Iran Nuclear Negotiation Reached An Agreement

by: M. Dinata *)

iran nuclearIran Nuclear negotiation finally reach a deal after a long negotiation that took 8 days in Lausanne, Switzerland. A framework deal with Iran limiting its nuclear program announced on Thursday, 2 April 2015, by Six world powers that led by United States. The deal includes that Iran have to close some of the Centrifuges and only allowed to enrich uranium to 3.67%. That amount is only enough to use as the civil power plant but not enough to build a nuclear bomb.

For Iranian, this is more than just an agreement, they now have a hope to improve their live and develop Iran’s economy. Iranian hope that this agreement could lift the International sanction and open a way to fix the Tehran and Washington relationship that gone bad since the Iranian revolution in 1979. Iranian President, Rouhani said that it was a historic memory of the Iranian nation. He says, “Some think that we must either fight the world or surrender to world powers. We say it is neither of those, there is a third way. We can have co-operation with the world.”

U.S President, Barrack Obama welcomed the agreement warmly. He said that the framework agreement would make the world a safer place. “It is a good deal. A deal that meets our core objectives. This Framework will cut off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon,” he said.

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the deal is a historic mistake, it “would pose a grave danger to the region and to the world and would threaten the very survival of the state of Israel.” He also states, “Israel will not accept an agreement which allows a country that vows to annihilate us to develop nuclear weapons, period.”

Mr. Rouhani said that Iran’s Nuclear project was peaceful and he also vowed that they have no intention to cheat on the agreement. “If the other side acts on its promises, Iran will abide by its promises. If, however, they one day decide to follow a different path, our nation too will be always free to make [another] choice,” he added.

*) The Author is Brunei Darussalam’s Contributor.



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