Chevron Will Leave East Kalimantan Block in 2018


By: Choirul Fuadi )*

CIDISS – CHEVRON is company from United States through its subsidiary Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO) stated that will not extend contract work with Indonesia. Contract work of Chevron over the Block East will end in 2018.

Chevron through Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO) has been managing the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) East of Borneo (EKAL). CICO will not propose an extension of the PSC EKAL and will return the assets to the Government of Indonesia on 24 October 2018.

Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit Managing Director, Chuck Taylor, said that it would still do their commitment to execute strategic projects such as the Indonesia project Deepwater Development (IDD).

His party feels proud over a strong partnership over the past 90 years with the people and the Government of Indonesia and is committed to continuing to support Indonesia to develop energy resources safely, efficiently and reliably.

In addition, Chuck also insisted the company would remain focused on the aspect of safety and operating reliability of PSC East Kalimantan, before its assets give on the new operator.

Central KalimantanChevroneconomicoil
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