By: Arifin *)
“Let a new Asia and a new Africa be born”
(Ir Soekarno Asian African Conference 1955)
Quoting president Sukarno’s opening speech at the Bandung Conference entitled “Let a New Asia and a New Africa be born”, this confirms the fact, that Asia and Africa can prosper only when they are united, and even the security of the world will not be guaranteed without unity Asia Africa.
Sixty years ago, on April 18-24, 1955, a conference that involved five sponsoring countries (Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia and Pakistan) and 24 participating countries from Asia and Africa convened in Bandung. The Bandung Conference turned out to be a historic watershed in the international relations of those countries. The Conference who uniting two regions in the central of current upheaval two great powers in the Cold War. Amid pressure from the growing Cold War bipolarism, those countries were able to concertedly affirm that they would choose neither the East nor the West but pursue their own path and strategy under the guidance of the “Bandung Principles”, contains 10 statements about support world peace and cooperation.
AACCI (Asian African Confrence Commemoration Indonesia) 2015 will be held in Jakarta and Bandung , West Java , and attended by representatives of 106 countries and 19 international organizations representatives.In AACCI 2015, someeconomic and cultural activities will be held such as the Asian-African flag parade , environmental awareness activities , Angklung for the World which involves 20,000 angklung players , Asian African Music & Costume Parade and Cultural Festival Society.President Imagine Africa Institute , Pierre T Sane in the closing Internasional Bandung Conference and Beyond: Rethinking International Order, Identity, Security, and Justice in a Post-Western World in the Senate Hall of the University of Gadjah Mada , Yogyakarta , Friday (9/4) says, a special forum to promote cooperation between Asia and Africa , 60 years after the Asian-African Conference in 1955 , it is necessary to face the challenges of a changing world, quoted by Kompas 10 April 2015
Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi say , the 60th anniversary of the AAC next week, Indonesia will propose the establishment of the Asian-African Center as the center of activities of cooperation , exchange of knowledge , and discussion strengthening Asian-African relationsTherefore Indonesia do serious preparations for smooth these activities. As in SINDO NEWS.COM reports , as many as 4,236 personnel to secure 60th year Anniversary AAC on April 19-24.
” Personnel derived consisting of 1,910 personnel escort, 1.210 personnel detectives, special task force of 506 personnel , 330 standby personnel Police, 280 police personnel and 335 standby military personnel ” , said Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General of Police Unggung Cahyono when the apple preparation AAC security in Monas , Central Jakarta , Wednesday ( 04/08/2015 )
Now it depends on the commitment and determination of the countries in both continents. It is only natural that many quarters would expect the founding countries to take the lead in that regard.
*) The Author is Jakarta Regional Contributors