By: Saiful *)
Facing AEC (ASEAN Economic Community), Indonesia is considered not able to empower the existing economic potential. If we compared with Thailand, Indonesia is still less prepared to face the AEC. This can be measured by income per capita, market competition and foreign tourists. This is contrary to Indonesia’s rich natural resources and natural beauty if we compared to Thailand. We can better than Thailand if we maximize our potential.
GofarIsmail, DeputyAmbassador ofIndonesiatoThailand, saidthat we can see theComparison of Indonesia withThailand to facethe AECin 2015. We can measureby income per capita, income perCapitainThailand$ 5,779ayear, whileIndonesiaamounted to$ 3,557ayear. Interms ofease of doing businessinThailandwasranked 18th inthe world, while Indonesia isranked60.
In terms of market competition, Thailand ranked 27th in the world, while Indonesia is ranked 39. In addition, foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia 9 million a year, while Thailand until 24 million a year. Yet the potential of Indonesia is better than Thailand, he said.
Basically, beside our abundant natural resources potential, Indonesia also benefited from strategic position as market in ASEAN and Indonesian leanguage used by ASEAN population to 60%, it’s a good chance. However, if we are not able to maximize our potential, then Indonesia will be a guest in his own house.
*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributors