*) Andre Zulfikar
People from all over the world are grieving over the attacks and bombings that took place in Paris. Brutal attacks carried out by 8 resulted more over 120 deaths and injuries. To demonstrate the condolences over the incident, many countries are providing support to the victim with the French flag colors radiate in the tourist sites as well as Government Building. Such as the Sydney Opera House in Australia, Tokyo’s Governor Building and some of online sites also change their colors to be look like French flag or called by tricolore. Many forms of empathy are also circulating on social media such as facebook and twitter. In the social media Facebook, they showed the condolence by using a tricolore filter for their profile picture. While in twitter, hastag #PrayforParis started to be a trending topic for netizen.
But the emergence of empathy drew some criticisms for being discriminatory. Paris events as compared to events that occurred in the murder of Palestinians, Syria, Iran and others areas. The slaughter of Muslims in Palestine by Israel has occurred over the years but no one paid attention to stop Israeli’s action. Even that empathy raises a judgment that Muslims are terrorists. This is because the cry of “Allahhu Akbar” from one of the suicide bombers that have been heard at that time. Pretty much talk accuse that Islam as the violent terrorists. That kind of empathy will actually trigger a friction between religious communities in the world.
Judgment against the Islamic religion as the origin of terrorism can not be justified. Indeed, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed that they are responsible for several attacks in Paris, last Friday night. ISIS official statement has been released in the form of an official written and audio through the militant group. ISIS states that 8 fighters who known as the brothers were armed with explosives vests and guns. All of them were referred to had chosen carefully about the location of the attack in the center focus of the French capital city. If we understand wisely, the one who is responsible for the terrors and attacks is ISIS not Muslims.
*) Author is a sosial observer