Indonesia plays active role at IMO session

Preparation Axis Maritime, Maluku Must Ready of All AspectsIndonesia played an active role in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee Session in London from May 11 to 20, 2016.

The 96th Maritime Safety Committee Session is the IMOs highest technical body which has the most extensive task among the other committees.

The Indonesian delegation to the Maritime Safety Committee Session was led by the special representative for IMO, Admiral (ret) Marsetio.

Indonesias Attach’ of Transportation in London Samson Sinaga, stated that the maritime world should see Indonesia move forward to make the country the world maritime axis by building numerous inter-island infrastructure projects.

The country is committed to promoting the development of infrastructure and maritime connectivity by building sea toll roads, seaports, logistics and the shipping industry.

Indonesia plays active role at IMO session
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