A Concert (Not) Peace of the Soul

By: Dhika Prananda )*

Demonstrations of students and students in recent days coloring the dynamics of national politics. This situation is feared to continue and create a climate that is not conducive to the life of the nation and state.

The intense flow of the demonstration made many parties short of breath. Starting from the rejection of the KPK Law Revision, to the Wamena Issue. Various speeches were echoed, various forms of aspirations were voiced, for the sake of the people he said. However, what if this solidarity action is tarnished by various kinds of endless acts of anarchism. The impact of chaos leaves damage to material objects as well as spiritual. It seems that deep trauma can be suffered by other people as a result of this anarchist act. All for one purpose, he heard an aspiration.

The latest, but not the first, event was when demonstrators rallied to protest the revision of Law No. 30/2002 Regarding the Corruption Eradication Commission which was approved by the Parliament and the President. With all the polemics accompanying it, the KPK is a mark of hope. Therefore, revising the Corruption Eradication Commission Law could immediately be implied as part of the weakening of the interfaith body. In fact, that assumption could be missed.

Previously President Jokowi was unwilling to fulfill demands to issue Government Regulations in lieu of laws to cancel the revised KPK Law. The reason is that there is no urgency which is considered crucial. In this polemic on the KPK Law problem, it is suspected that there are 3 solutions namely, first, through a legislative review effort, in which the revision of the Act was passed directly through the new legislature and then changed it again. Second, conducting a judicial review or judicial review of the revised Act through a lawsuit process to the Constitutional Court.

While the third way is through the issuance of Perppu in order to cancel the enactment of the KPK Law as a result of the revision. However, the problem is that protests have spread. RKUHP along with a number of other bills also contributed to the refusal and protests. Although Jokowi has asked for a postponement of the ratification of some of the bills, so that the issues that cause controversy can be discussed by the Parliament for the next period, namely 2019-2024. However, the country’s political atmosphere is already complicated, especially accompanied by the spread of provocation content through social media, including Whatsapps.

The rapid flow of the demonstration was triggered by the issue of weakening and the promotion of civil liberties. However, what is more appropriate for us to think about is the negotiated political space. This relates to the continuation of the results of the last election. Among other things, the inauguration of new members of parliament, the president, and the elected vice president, as well as the preparation of the next cabinet. The hope is that the completion of the inter-elite problem regarding the formation of state institutions. Including elite circulation among political parties can soon be completed.

In the realm of politics it is rarely encountered a series of events by chance. However, it is better for these politicians to be able to respond wisely and ethically. Don’t make the implications of protest into action that will go against the nature of democracy. Not agreeing is okay, but everything must be carried out according to the corridor of democracy. If you need a burst of conscience, let’s be carriers of aspirations to work together and not get out of the democratic order.

Meanwhile, the process of taking Perppu is so that the drafting process does not revoke the entire revised KPK Law that has been passed. However, only in parts of the articles that are considered problematic. Jokowi had previously refused to revoke the KPK Law, but his party has now begun to consider issuing a Perppu. He considered if the input obtained must be calculated and calculated. After that, it will be decided and delivered to the state officials. Jokowi admitted that he obtained the input to answer the demands of the students.

Even though the polemic from one polemic to another is closely related, it is better to continue to act according to the established corridor. It is not possible for a country to stand firm without the cooperation of all elements within it. So there should be no more demonstrations that might lead to anarchism. Moreover, the loss of this will be displayed in plain sight. Various incidents make the heart sad, also various endless controversies. So, as good citizens, let’s unite to meet the future better. Deliberate all aspirations properly in democratic forums and can be public. So that transparency is also monitored. Avoid spreading hoaxes that bind your mind and mind, stop anarchism.

)* The author is a social political observer

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