A Smart Point To Be A Smart City

A Smart Point To Be A Smart City

By: Saiful*)

As one of Kendari city government assets, which is also a strategic area of government of Southeast Sulawesi, Currently more alarming condition of Kendari Bay with a variety of environmental problems encountered.

To overcome these problems, the solution offered is to initiated the Smart points idea. Mayor of Kendari, Asrun, said this step was taken to support the government’s vision to make the city of Kendari Kendari as a Smart City. To create a smart area of points, the construction will begin with the manufacture of mooring and dredging, at this location docked ships will be laid out to look better and more  representable.

This Development also accompanied by the manufacture of bags in a river estuary mud coming into the bay. This mud pockets will serve to reduce the influx of mud into the bay and prevent silting of the location .

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributor


A Smart PointSmart City
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