By: Jaber Ahmad *)
A dispute over Aceh’s Flag issue has not yet reached an agreement between the Government of Aceh and the Central Government in Jakarta. It is therefore, the issue needs to get a serious attention from various parties in order to avoid the political situation as well as security getting worse from time to time in whole regions of Aceh.
As a “local son”, Abrar Muhammad Yus, an activist from Aceh Parliamentary Oversight Forum (Forsapa), for example, assess the issue that it has now become a political consumption by unscrupulous elites in Aceh, either in the legislature or in the executive. He insists that the intervention of Wali Nanggroe (Traditional Leader), Malek Mahmud, is needed to decrease the tentions so that the political uproar in Aceh could be resolved properly.
With his position as Wali Nanggroe and one of the seniors of Free Aceh Movement (GAM), Malek Mahmud is believed capable of becoming a unifier for Aceh. The impasse between the Government of Aceh and DPRA in regard to the issue of flag is believed can be settled through the intervention of Wali Nanggroe by lobbying all parties to prevent the issue from politicization which might cause disservice to Aceh people.
In addition, the national parties in the parliament of Aceh are expected to participate in resolving Aceh’s Flag problem. There has been an assumption that those parties have omitted the settlement of the issue. Hence, the involvement of those national parties in the case is need to be taken under consideration since the solution of the flag issue is a part of the derivative of Aceh Government Law (UPPA) which must be implemented. Moreover, the “Moon Star” flag is believed to represent the dignity of the people of Aceh whose contribution can not be disparaged in the history of Indonesia.
Regarding various problems in Aceh, including the flag issue, Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, has given wise counsels to the people of Aceh. Firstly, he said that everything has to start with talking to each other openly and there is no cover-up in between. All parties, both the central government and the Aceh Parliament have agreed to this. Secondly, Acehnese have to believe that the spirit of the central government is to create and maintain reconciliation both within and outside of Aceh. Lastly, all parties must think positively, that the issue of Aceh’s Flag will not destroy the Helsinki Agreement and notice that the flag is the identity that should be respected and valued.
*) The Author Is Jakarta Regional Contributor