Acute Respiratory Infections (ISPA) Sufferer Increase Significant In 2 Months

Check: People were checking their health to anticipate acute respiratory infections (ISPA) disease.

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – In this summer season, acute respiratory infections (ISPA) disease is one of the numbers most commonly happen to people, especially it happen to children in Lamandau district, Central Kalimantan.

Like quote in Borneo News, Friday (14/8/2015), Lamandau regency based on data in the health board of Lamandau mentioned, in the 2 months, between June and July, there are 1.374 numbers of acute respiratory infections (ISPA) sufferers.

Chief of health board of Lamandau, through medical service field, Purwanto admitted that acute respiratory infections (ISPA) increase in this summer season.

“Based on the report we received for acute respiratory infections (ISPA) along June from 11 hospitals in all Lamandau, and there are 745 cases,” said Him.

Then on July, by 5 hospitals there are 692 cases. But, there are other 5 hospitals that have not reported yet and probably the sufferers will increase.

Even they do not mention detail about how much percent the increase of acute respiratory infections (ISPA) if compare to season before summer. But he admitted there were significant numbers of increase.

“The condition like baby and kids much probably get acute respiratory infections (ISPA),” said Him.

Then he announce to all people who will do activity outside home, better wear a masker as preventive.

Acute Respiratory Infections (ISPA)Central Kalimantan
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