After the Election and the PHPU Session at the Constitutional Court, the People Must Maintain Unity

After the Election and the PHPU Session at the Constitutional Court, the People Must Maintain Unity

By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

The election is indeed over, but the residual feud still exists, the polarization is still felt. Post-Election One of Indonesia’s challenges is to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Of course an adult attitude is needed to address differences. Do not let the differences in the choice of the president or party, can lead to hostility between brothers and damage friendship. Do not let husband and wife separate beds just because of different presidential choices,

We can emulate the figure of Jokowi and Prabowo, even though they compete, collide with ideas, but in fact we often see them hugging each other, meaning that even though they compete to win, the chain of friends is not broken.

As a country that upholds the motto of Unity in Diversity, of course we should respect differences including in choosing parties or prospective leaders, this is so that the tensions and conflicts that arise can immediately melt.

The community should also be self-aware when accessing the news, not to the news that is not yet clear the truth can provoke to give birth to the seeds of division among fellow citizens. Certainly we need to be selective in seeing news and news sources.

Get rid of false news by not sharing it, it will also make it easier to treat diversity. Tensions between community groups will be spared.

Chairman of the North Sumatra Task Force of Joko Tingkir Task Force, Sukirmanto wants the moment which is still in a Shawwal atmosphere can be used as a place to reunite the community again.

“Through this gathering, let’s knit back the differences and strengthen the spirit of fellow human beings,” he said.

The issue of electoral disputes decided by the Constitutional Court on June 27, is expected to cause no riots and so that all parties accept the decision.

“The final process of the election is in the Constitutional Court, we must accept whatever the decision is, all must be reunited,” he said.

Democracy in Indonesia is not 5 years old, but for decades, democracy has become a system agreed upon by various groups. So that it can be said that Indonesia has been a senior in maintaining the nation’s democracy.

Differences are naturally reasonable, even tastes about singers can be different, let alone political differences. But the difference should not be a gap. Differences must be addressed with tolerance to not feel mutually superior.

Elections are one way to form a government that is fair and truly represents the people and strengthens national unity. For this reason, all parties involved should play a noble role, whether they are supervisors, election participants, or supporters so that they will always ease the chaos that never ends.

The most important thing at this time is that the whole community is able to see that all are brothers and sisters of the same country and water. Whatever differences may not cause anyone to be marginalized. Whoever is determined by the Constitutional Court as the winner must show an attitude of statesmanship by embracing all parties, both the secular and the opposite.

Unity is maintained will certainly foster harmony in life and peace in society, if unity can be maintained well, it is not impossible that accelerated development is realized for a better future of Indonesia.

Elections are important for a country that adheres to a democratic system, but unity as a nation and state is equally important.

Regardless of whatever results have been decided, we certainly hope that the Constitutional Court continues to prioritize honesty and independence in making decisions. Because the victory obtained with honesty will mean a lot to all the people of Indonesia.

In terms of the constitution means basic rules regarding the formation of the state. The constitution generally refers to guaranteeing rights to citizens.

We need to understand that the Constitutional Court is the only independent institution that is given the constitutional mandate to resolve disputes over election results, so that it is appropriate for parties who are not satisfied with the results of the election to bring the matter to the institution.

The Constitutional Court’s decision was a final and binding decision. Therefore, there is no attempt to appeal. Based on the Constitutional Court’s decision, the elected president has strong constitutional legitimacy.

Therefore, by accepting whatever the Constitutional Court’s decision, we have participated in maintaining national unity.

)* The author is a sociopolitical observer

Constitutional CourtelectionPHPUUnity
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