Against Empty Squares

CIDISS. A total of 16 candidates against empty squares in the 2018 regional head election. In the 2018 regional head election there are 16 candidates who fight against empty squares for mayoral and regent elections. North Padang Lawas North Sumatra, Prabumulih South Sumatra, Tangerang Banten, Tangerang City of Banten, Tapin of South Kalimantan, Mamasa of West Sulawesi, South East Minahasa of North Sulawesi. Then there is also Central Mamberamo Papua, Jayawijaya Papua, Puncak Papua. In addition Deli Serdang North Sumatra, Lebak Banten, Pasuruan East Java, Enrekang South Sulawesi, and Bone South Sulawesi. Through quick count results or quick count, empty boxes even win in a number of polling stations, even making a scene in Pilwalkot Makassar.

The selection of the mayor of Makassar itself took place exciting. Two camps are the pair Munafri Arifuddin-Rachmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu) and the empty squad laing claim victory through quick count results or quick count. The first claim came in the afternoon. There was a mass procession on the Makassar protocol road that voiced the victory of empty squares. Mass convoys along the way voiced victory empty squares. They give empty symbols on their fingers when crossing the road. Meanwhile, the candidate pair who fought the empty box in his oration in front of the supporters claimed otherwise. He claimed the results of the quick count had won Pilwalkot Makassar by getting more votes from empty squares.

The victory of empty boxes also occurred in a number of polling stations in the area of ​​Lebak, Banten. Empty boxes that win against petahana Iti Octavia-Ade Sumardi Most in the southern region of Lebak. As in TPS 4 Kelurahan Cilangkahan, Malingping Sub-district, the empty box received 221 votes, winning over the 151 vote veterinarian. Then at TPS 01 Panggarangan, Panggarangan Sub-district, 187 out vote for the Iti-Ade pair with 151 votes. Then in TPS 01 Cikamunding, District Cilograng, the superior vote of empty box 197 versus 135 votes. In the same village on TPS two, the gain was 128 to 77. In TPS 01 Warunggunung Village, Warunggunung District, the difference between the two is thin, between 191 and petahana vote gets 170.

The victory of empty boxes also occurred in Pilwalkot Tangerang, precisely in the polling station where the Governor of Banten Wahidin Halim casting. In TPS 02 Pinang empty box wins against single partner Arief R Wismansyah-Sachrudin with the number 114 votes. Petahana only got 74 votes. However, Arief R Wismansyah-Sachrudin stated overall they won Pilwalkot. Through quick count calculations, they declared victory for claiming the superior of the empty box by earning 86 percent of the vote.

But of course the claims for the quick count results are not the official result of the Regional Head Elections from the KPU. Later, the KPU will release the results of real count of Regional Head Election Serentak 2018 if the count is complete. People do not have to be afraid of later when the empty box that won the head election because the government has arranged everything in the law. With the readiness of the government, it is expected that the election of regional heads fighting against empty squares can still walk safely and orderly.

By: Mirwan Achmad*)

Empty Squaresmayoral and regent electionsthe 2018 regional head electionThe selection of the mayor of Makassar
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