Anticipating Pilkada, Bawaslu discuss National Potential for Vulnerability in 2019

Anticipating Pilkada, Bawaslu discuss National Potential for Vulnerability in 2019

CIDISS – The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) does not want to miss facing the legislative elections (Pileg) and the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election (Pilpres). To keep the five-yearly democratic party running safely and peacefully, Bawaslu held a Working Meeting (Raker) to discuss “Mapping Potential Vulnerability in 2019 Elections”.

The material bearer, I Dewa Kade Wiarsa Raka Sandi from Bali Election Supervisory Agency specifically said that the topic of Piggub and Pilbub that had been safe and peaceful was an achievement that must be appreciated. That, said the former member of the Bali KPU was a reference in facing the 2019 presidential and legislative elections.

Wiarsa Sandi said, the KPU and Bali Banwaslu always keep abreast of developments regarding the accuracy of the DPT in each of the regencies in Bali so that later it will not become a polemic. The absence of regulations regarding problems regarding voters who already have voting rights, especially those who are 17 years old but do not have an E-KTP.

Added, the Central Banwaslu is currently discussing the Banwaslu Regulation which has not been included in the election law regulations such as the Campaign problem (Regulations on campaign issues in places of worship). He suspects Election Insecurity related to the recruitment of organizers at polling stations such as polling station supervisors.

Meanwhile the Klungkung Regional Police, through which was represented by the Head of Ops, Kompol I Nyoman Suarsika conveyed the analysis of the number of vulnerable polling stations in each Regency as many as 619 polling stations scattered in 4 Districts. In particular, the police analyzed the possibility of a conflict that occurred with two categories. Each vulnerable category 1 point of vulnerability occurs at 614 polling stations. Whereas for the vulnerable category 2 is the border of the village or regency area. As many as 5 polling stations, namely two sub-districts of Dawan, and three in sub-district Klungkung.

In addition to the vulnerable categories 1 and 2, the police also included special categories for hospitals and community institutions (Lapas) to get attention in the upcoming elections.

In an effort to anticipate a conflict in the implementation of the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election, it is necessary to conduct an intensive evaluation of security when viewed from the implementation of the Pilgub and Pilbup in the 2018 Regional Election. From this activity, it is expected to get direct input from stakeholders to inventory current problems so that The 2019 election will run smoothly and peacefully.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah

BawasluPilkadaThe Election Supervisory Board
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