By: Zulkarnaen
The application of the Omnibus Law scheme is believed to be able to open employment opportunities so as to expand opportunities for workers and job seekers in all regions of Indonesia. Therefore, the acceleration of the discussion and application of the (Draft Law) of the Omnibus Law Bill should receive support from all levels of society.
The law, also known as the ‘Sweep the universe’ regulation, will revise, and even remove overlapping and convoluted regulations, from the center to the regions and has been detrimental to the people, both workers and employers to investors. In fact, the development of investment in Indonesia greatly affects the number of jobs, where the issue of unemployment and labor in the country is still a problem that must be sought a solution.
During this time, the complexity of the management of business licensing until the uncertainty of the fate of workers, especially those who are terminated from employment or layoffs, greatly affects the level of welfare of the Indonesian people. To overcome these problems, one of the government’s innovations is through the creation of the Omnibus Law, the Cipta Karya Bill.
The government, under the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), has made various efforts to improve the welfare of the community, especially workers, among others through a variety of Pre-Employment Card programs, increasing the benefits of work accident insurance and life insurance as well as providing housing for workers.
The government continues to strive to maintain a balance between the needs of expanding employment that require investment, and efforts to protect workers. However, many challenges, obstacles and rejection experienced by the government during the planning and discussion process of the Omnibus Law.
To note, Omnibus Law provides fair legal certainty to employers and guarantees to workers, especially those who have lost their jobs. The Omnibus Law Cipta Karya also prepared a special formulation on severance pay whereby the government prepared a policy of pocket money for 6 months for workers who were victims of termination of employment.
The allowance, called benefit cash, is an additional benefit to the Workers’ Social Security Organizing Agency (BP Jamsostek) program. On the other hand, Omnibus Law also facilitates investment in Indonesia, both from domestic and foreign investors.
The recent Omnibus Law rejection action, due to lack of information or disinformation related to the impact. The number of hoax or hoaxes circulating in the community related to Omnibus Law creates unrest in the midst of the community. Therefore, the government assesses the understanding and positive impact related to the contents of this Omnibus Law Bill, it is important to disseminate it to the public.
The Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, said the government would socialize the Omnibus Law on the Cipta Karya Bill. In fact there is already a schedule for socialization and in some places it has begun to run.
The socialization is carried out in parallel with the political process in the House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia, where the parliament will also socialize the application and use of the Omnibus Law to the wider community.
Supporting transformation in the economic sector amidst global economic uncertainty that tends to show weakness, through the Omnibus Law, is a way to help maintain stability and even improve the national economy. Omnibus Law Cipta Karya, brings many positive benefits, not only to employers and investors, but to groups of workers, which certainly affects the level of prosperity of the Indonesian people.
Social Economic Observer