Apply Health Protocols ahead of year-end holidays

By: Aldia Putra

At the end of the year there is a holiday for almost 14 days. It used to feel good but it’s the other way around now. The reason is because during a pandemic, crowds when crowds can form a new corona cluster. The public is urged to comply with health protocols ahead of the year-end holidays.

At the beginning of the pandemic, we were strictly forbidden to leave the house. However, since the adaptation phase of the new habit (formerly: new normal), everyone is allowed to do activities other than wearing a mask and obeying the health protocol. Many are relieved that they can sell on the streets and earn a halal living outside the home, or work again in office areas.

When many people are allowed to work in the office, is it okay for holidays? In the tourism sector, it has been very hard hit by the corona storm, because automatically the income from foreign tourists has decreased dramatically. When it is already the adaptation phase of a new habit, new tourism businessmen open their business to be visited by local tourists.

Actually what we are afraid of from the holiday period which we will live in a few days is the crowd. Because it clearly violates physical distancing and it is feared that it could form a new corona cluster. So, holidays are fine, because many people are stressed out of staying at home too long. But it must comply with health protocols, so that everything is safe.

A few days before the holidays, you and your family should do a test so you know the results are reactive to Covid or not. Swab is better than rapid, because it is more accurate. After all, many private laboratories or clinics now charge affordable swab tests. This test is also important because before getting on a train or plane, you must show the results.

After that, look for information on which tourist attractions are still quiet, so they are far from the crowd. Usually the ones that are crowded are areas that are already well-known, so choose those that are still newly inaugurated or virgin beaches. If there is no other alternative, then choose hotels and tourist attractions that strictly comply with health protocols.

Hotels that adhere to health protocols mean that they are only willing to accommodate a maximum of 50% of guests. All staff also wear masks (not just a faceshield). Also provides hand sanitizers for all guests. In addition, for the sake of security, breakfast service is delivered to the room, so that guests do not accumulate and eventually violate physical distancing.

As hotel guests, we are also ready to bring your own hand sanitizer, and bring at least a dozen masks. If the maker is a type of surgical maker, of course it is only disposable and immediately discarded after being dirty. In addition, avoid buff and scuba masks because they are not effective at holding droplets. For your safety, also avoid swimming events if in doubt about their sterility.

After resting at the hotel, then go to tourist attractions that also comply with health protocols. All visitors and employees must wear a mask and when entering, they must be checked using a thermal gun. There are wash basins on the inside and outside charts. Better to come when the new area opens. Even though visitors are limited, they are still aware of the crowd.

If all the discipline during the holidays, it will not be easy to get corona. For safety’s sake, do one more swab test, after the holidays. So you can be sure that you are completely healthy and corona free. After being tired of traveling, leave 1 day to rest at home. Also eat fruits and vegetables so that stamina is maintained.

Traveling during a long vacation during the Covid-19 pandemic must be super careful, because we certainly don’t want to get corona afterwards. Make sure to choose a tourist spot that is still quiet and safe and avoid crowds. Always carry hand sanitizer and a spare mask.

(Writers are active in the Press Circle and Cikini Students)

#christmas#Christmas Strengthens Community Tolerance and Harmony#corona#covid-19#newyear
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