Appreciating the Government’s Hard Work to Deal with the Corona Virus

Appreciating the Government’s Hard Work to Deal with the Corona Virus

By: Ahmad Prasetyo ) *

The outbreak of the Corona alias Covid-19 virus in the city of Wuhan, China caused global anxiety. The Indonesian government has also worked hard to anticipate the entry of the virus into Indonesia.

The virus named Covid-19 or Corona initially reddened the city of Wuhan. Outbreaks that suddenly strike are able to make sufferers lose their lives. According to reports of this virus like the MERS and SARS viruses. However, Corona claimed not to be as fierce as the two viruses. Even though it is not fierce, in fact you could claim hundreds of lives in just a short time. No doubt if the world joined in the broke down.

For the sake of efforts to Anticipate cases of corona virus (Covid-19), of course, must be done in a number of places, including offices and work environments. Office, is considered vulnerable to become a medium for transmission of this virus.

One of the government’s efforts to tackle the spread of the epidemic is to implement travel tires. Which prohibits flights to and from China. In addition, Indonesia also diverted the promotion of tourism rays to other countries.

Besides that, the most effective way to prevent the disease is to avoid direct contact with sick people. Reduce activities such as touching or rubbing the eyes, nose, and mouth. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. Cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. Most trivial events like this can cause the virus to spread quickly. Then, always be alert.

Reported a month after the outbreak of the corona virus , scientists in China claim to have found the antidote. What turns out that the drug already exists and is commonly used in Indonesia. The drug in question is chloroquine phosphate. In Indonesia itself this drug is commonly used for malaria vaccines. 

Although it has come to light about the discovery of this viral drug that does not mean it must be neglected with environmental development. Indonesia’s step in anticipating this outbreak was considered quite successful. Because Indonesia itself does not show any victims exposed to Covid-19. Even with the news of the return of Indonesian citizens from Wuhan city some time ago.

They were quarantined on Natuna Island to undergo tests and several observations. Of the 200 Indonesian citizens all tested negative for this virus. With this step, WHO is representative for Indonesia Dr. Paranietharan also appreciated the efforts of the Indonesian government in saving its citizens from the threat of co-19. Even the man who is familiarly called Paranie was amazed by the fast motion of the Indonesian government in recognizing the expansion of this deadly virus.

According to Paranie, what the Indonesian government has done is in line with international world health standards. Paranie also advised that the people directly in contact with Indonesian citizens and the pick-up team no longer need to worry. They have gone through a number of procedures and have confirmed that the participants of this observation are in a sterile or healthy condition.

In addition, other efforts made by the government for Indonesian citizens abroad are given a number of supports to the delivery of masks. Previously, the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) together with was creating a concrete action to prevent corona virus (COVID-19) from entering Indonesia with a movement of 1 million mask boxes and antiseptic soap.

According to the CEO of, Andy F. Noya, a number of anticipations had to be made before it was too late and could even take a toll on the corona virus (COVID-19) in the archipelago. PMI and its partners target the masks that can be collected is 50 million pcs. If it has been collected, this mask will reportedly be flown to areas that are potentially affected by this virus. As; Batam, Java, Manado, Sumatra, North Kalimantan and other regions in Indonesia.

Andy also hopes that more and more people will follow in this way. It does not stop at donating masks, but also raising funds to provide a platform to campaign for this movement.

The public also feels proud of all the steps anticipated by the Government of Indonesia. The reason is, when all countries have claimed Corona emergencies, in fact Indonesia is able to survive without having to frantically ask for help from other countries. In fact, WHO also acknowledges that the steps taken need to be appreciated. Furthermore, although the spread of this virus is considered to be abating, it is still a good idea to remain vigilant. One of them is by maintaining cleanliness to embrace a healthy lifestyle.

) * The author is a social political observer

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