Bali to Host Next Global Port Conference After Hamburg

Hamburg Port.

Hamburg, Germany, hosted the largest port and harbor conference worldwide this year.  The conference, which discussed the specific theme of smart-port is held from June 1 to 5, 2015.  But other than discussing the theme, the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) forum scheduled the next meeting will take place at Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, in 2017.

“Bali will host the 30th conference.  To welcome the event, Indonesian delegations will organize Bli Night in Hamburg,” PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) II CEO R.J. Lino said in Hamburg Germany on Monday, June 1.

Bali Night will be held Wednesday, June 3.  In the event, Indonesian college students in Europe will stage an art show featuring angklung and dance performances.  Indonesian foods will also be served for dinner.  “Bali Night is our chance to promote Indonesia,” said Lino.

Lino, who is also Vice President of IAPH, said the two year meeting have always presented various conference theme.  In 2013, Los Angeles presented a “New Realities in the Global Economy” by listening to the perspectives from some countries.  This year, Hamburg presented “Smartport” theme, whereas the theme to be presented in Bali later will be “Enabling Port Energizing the World.”

In Hamburg, 180 port managements from 90 countries, including four port operators in Indonesia, shared their experiences to apply smartport concept in the energy and logistic system field.  “We could learn a lot and simultaneously taking cooperation opportunities from this forum,” said Sylvia Arifin, Indonesian Consulate General in Hamburg.

IAPH handles more than 60 percent of global sea trades and nearly 80 percent from world container traffic.  PT Pelindo I, II, III and IV (company) became a member of an active organization that is based in Tokyo, Japan.


Bali to Host Next Global Port Conference After Hamburg
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