Be a Smart Voter

Be a Smart Voter

CIDISS. The election of regional heads this year will be filled with qualified candidates. As a society of course we also want a trustful, anti-corruption leader, able to improve the welfare of the people, and promote the region. Unfortunately, today’s society is on the verge of doubting the beliefs of potential leaders. This is due to the difference between the promises of the campaign and the reality that the community has received when it has been elected. Some local leaders are even caught up in corruption, unrealized promises, and other cases.

Even lately, there are some elections that are colored by divisions. Some are mocking, sneering, and even slandering. Various attempts by fanatical supporters to defend the candidate of choice, though must use a less good way. Harmonious life between neighbors was disturbed because of mutually strong defending the candidate of choice. Such voting behavior is obviously very detrimental, because they can not see the truth. They are just trying to defend their candidates regardless of the others.

As with the diversity of tribes and religions in Indonesia, the diversity of opinion in choosing a future leader is also undeniable. Some choose A and some choose B. But make the diversity as a unifying nation, not as a split. This diversity of opinion will make the elections more colorful and festive.

Let us work together to welcome and oversee the election of regional heads safely and peacefully so that everything can go smoothly. Be wise and intelligent voters in choosing candidates for leaders.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

anti-corruption leaderpotential leadersqualified candidatesthe election of regional headsthe promises of the campaign
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