Be Wary of Spreading Hoax Ahead of the 2020 elections

By: Rizal Arifin *

A number of regions in Indonesia will hold simultaneous local elections in 2020. Nevertheless, the local elections are still potentially colored by identity politics to false news on social media that can trigger conflicts . Broad community support is needed to bring about the Pilkada Damai, so that the democratic party can run smoothly.

Social media allows netizens to share a variety of content, news and information. However, not all netizens understand about journalistic ethics or digital literacy literacy. Opinion is made only on the basis of minimal assumptions of facts and data. News that makes the heart happy and satisfied when reading it immediately spread just like that without checking the truth. This will have an impact on the increasing spread of hoaxes on social media, especially on the political momentum of the 2020 elections.

The high number of social media users in Indonesia certainly increases the risk of spreading negative content that contains hate speech and hoaxes. As a result, crisscrossing the news on social media not infrequently shortly become the arena of a prolonged sophist between opposing camps in digesting the news.

Ahead of the season elections 20 20 which tensinya begun to rise, anyone susceptible exposed hoax. Moreover, the hoax has the characteristics of a hyperbolic news . The headline is astounding, with content that creates anxiety, prejudice and doubt .

The existence of hoaxes is very damaging to the democratic climate in Indonesia, which should be based on a family spirit to realize the sustainability of national development. Therefore, let’s protect ourselves from hoax attacks. In order for the 2020 elections to be peaceful and civilized

Executive Director of the Association for Elections and Democracy ( Perludem ) Titi Anggraini said, there are at least three factors that make the emergence of hoaxes on social media fertile, namely regulations that have not yet reached the hoax eradication, omission by candidate pairs, and slow response from election management institutions. Related to regulations that cannot reach the practice of spreading hoaxes on social media due to disparities in the meaning of law enforcement. Candidate Pairs of Election Contestants also have no commitment to fight hoaxes. Even if there is an appeal from the Candidate Pair to their success team, supporters and sympathizers not to spread hoaxes, the language used is too formal.

Hoax has a negative impact on the democratic climate and the integrity of the nation. Hoax can divide unity. Allegation and defense usually accompany the spread of hoaxes. In addition, haxes can trigger conflicts and even civil wars. If the hoax is not addressed wisely, it not only has the potential to divide unity, but it can also trigger civil war. Hoaxes can also damage the image and integrity of individuals. In a political contest, news hoaxes are generally not far da ri attack image or integrity of political opponents. However, hoax news that had already been circulated finally made the public ask back about the figure being reported. When some groups finally believe the hoax news, of course it will damage the image and integrity of the related hoax victims.

For the sake of realizing the 2020 civilized elections without hoaxes and provocation, there are at least a few things we can do. First, write, comment and spread positive content . Second, do n’t be influenced by provocative news headlines. Third, Verify or report news content that is allegedly a hoax on portals that specifically discuss hoax news such as, or Fourth, educating friends, relatives or neighbors to digital literacy and understanding the dangers of hoaxes. Fifth, report the perpetrators of the spread of hoaxes which could lead to social conflict in the authorities.

In the context of elections, the existence of hoaxes is very damaging to the democratic climate in Indonesia, which should be based on a family spirit to realize the sustainability of national development. Therefore, let’s protect ourselves from hoax attacks. In order for the 2020 elections to be peaceful and civilized.

* Observer of Social Political Problems

#Be Wary of Spreading Hoax Ahead of the 2020 elections
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