Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism in the Month of Ramadan

Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism in the Month of Ramadan

By: Zakaria )*

The spread of radicalism is still a real threat to the Indonesian nation. In fact, the momentum of Ramadan as it is often used by radical groups and terrorists to act in society. TNI / Polri and the community must be able to increase synergy and should not be careless in alerting to radicalism in the month of Ramadan.

Ramadhan 1441 H was different from previous years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation triggered pre-public figures or religious leaders, to start conducting lectures or classes online that can be accessed through online applications.

This is also used by radicals to continue spreading their ideology through online media, even this was done before the corona virus pandemic.

We need to know, that the birth of the understanding of radicalism and terrorism originated from the understanding of religion by self-taught learning. Ie, without a clear teacher and scientific scholars.

The existence of bombings and terrorist acts against the security forces themselves is evidence of a radical understanding that only prioritizes religious learning only textually without prioritizing the context.

We all need to know the development of the times, where when there is someone who explains about jihad, of course it should not be confused with the meaning of jihad today. Of course interpreting jihad by fighting is something that is logically flawed when compared to the present context.

Whereas in this millennial era, jihad can be carried out with useful knowledge and da’wah, not necessarily with invitations to fight or hurt people of different views.

Indonesian society in general must understand that we have long lived side by side with various streams of belief. The spirit of tolerance must certainly be encouraged to create a country that is harmonious, safe and peaceful.

Previously, the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo had asked the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) to increase the prevention of the spread of radicalism and terrorism in the community.

Bambang said, the prevention efforts by providing education about the explanation of terrorism, radicalism and intolerance, and ways to prevent it from entering into social life.

He also said that the MPR along with related institutions and NGOs would continue to disseminate Pancasila to all Indonesian people.

He also called on all members of the MPR to continue to increase national unity and integrity through the fostering of the four pillars to all levels of society.

Terrorism certainly cannot come suddenly until a person becomes a terrorist. This can be likened to an iceberg below which is an attitude of intolerance.

One way to measure tolerance is by asking people questions about their attitudes towards non-Muslims regarding their civil rights. For example in the form of political rights and related rights of worship.

For example about non-Muslims who build houses of worship around them. Then what is their opinion about non-Muslims who hold religious activities around them.

In addition there is also a way to measure radicalism, it can be used by asking about the actions or desires of respondents to destroy houses of worship of other religions.

Of course the problem of radicalism and intolerance is something that is not only troubling, but also endangering both religion and the state.

Along with the rise of intolerance ranging from satire on social media, discriminatory attitudes, destruction of houses of worship to suicide bombing make ideas about tolerance need to be echoed again.

Indonesia does have the most Muslim population compared to other religions. However Muslims are not only in conflict with other religious communities, but also often make a claim that what they believe is the most correct alias “most Islamic” so that it is easy to blame and hate people with different views.

Do not just because of different views, then we become hostile to radical actions or extreme actions, it will not produce paradise and will not get the mujahid label.

Radicalism has been proven to undermine unity, of course, in the nuances of Ramadan this time we can show tolerance by not harassing warungs that are open during the day, this is because not everyone can fast, such as non-Muslims, pregnant women or Muslims who are sick .

)* The writer is a student of the University of Pakuan Bogor

Be WaryRadicalismRamadanSpread
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