Become a Constructive Opposition without Hoax for the Advancement of the Indonesian Nation

Become a Constructive Opposition without Hoax for the Advancement of the Indonesian Nation

By: Natsir Akbar )*

Political parties supporting the government will certainly dominate the seats of the Republic of Indonesia Parliament (DPR) for the period 2019-2024. Nevertheless, political parties outside the government coalition must be opposition, as Jokowi conveyed in his kemelengan speech in Sentul Jaaa Barat that being an opposition is also a noble task as long as it is done well without revenge and without hatred, because the important thing is to maintain unity because the nation the need for togetherness in building.

Based on the recapitulation data of the General Election Commission (KPU), the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) won the most votes, namely 19.38 percent or 27,053,961 votes.

Then, followed by the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), 12.57 percent or 17,594,839. Of the 16 parties participating in the 2019 General Election (Election), there were nine parties that passed the parliamentary threshold (4 percent).

Political parties outside the government should also be constructive opposition. “Opposition which is the balance of the government by giving criticism in order to build the nation, is not built on hoaxes and hatred aimed at dropping because it is as bad as the government’s performance, it is the people’s choice for the next five years, and the government. constructive.

The concept of constructive opposition as a consequence of democracy must be intended as a form of struggle for the benefit of the general public. constructive opposition serves to create a real healthy balance.

The concept of constructive opposition when criticizing the government if government policies are considered to harm the interests of the people. This opposition group is also still able to see the positive side that has been achieved by the government so that the people can judge the government equally. This is where the role of the media becomes important in guarding oppositionist opinion in order to prevent the source of hoaxes and literacy of the community in order to provide provisions for the community to judge and even give an attitude to the next political contestation.

Constructive opposition groups must throw away the intention to overthrow existing powers to be replaced with certain powers through various efforts that violate the law and ethics by building hoax-based narrative narratives because it can endanger the sense of national unity. So for the sake of national unity and progress, the opposition movement must be constructive and without hoax while maintaining the harmonization of the life of the nation and state.

*) Political Communication Student at Diponegoro University

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