By: Dendy Satrio
General Elections are a means for the people to elect leaders who will represent them in the seat of government. The people decide who will represent them in parliament, and who will lead the government at national and local levels. They do so by choosing between parties that compete in regular, free and fair elections. However, in this 2019 Election title, this country is threatened with the proliferation of false news or hoaxes in cyberspace and the Golput movement.
Of course this is very worrying considering the fate of this nation for the next five years is determined in the 2019 Election event. For this reason we must be together in the fight against hoaxes and embrace the closest people to and use their right to vote because as citizens we have an obligation to choose leaders and political representatives in the seat of government.
Choosing in elections is another important citizenship assignment of all citizens. Apart from participating in the fight against hoaxes and inviting other people not to abstain, we must also learn to be a smart voter. We can be smart voters by watching carefully how the prospective leaders and candidates for political representation during the campaign period.
By watching and participating in monitoring the course of politics during the campaign period we can get a picture of candidates for people’s representatives who deserve to lead this country for the next five years without being affected by other people’s proposals. The point is that in this 2019 Election title, we must use our voting rights intelligently and not abstain for the success of Indonesia’s leadership and development sustainability.
)* Bloggers, Netizens in Tasikmalaya