Believe To The Government

Believe To The Government

By: Dhita Karuniawati

After the 2019 General Election was over, the Indonesian Armed Forces and Indonesian National Police personnel increased security to reduce potential vulnerability. Although the conduct of voting can be categorized as smooth and orderly, it cannot be denied that the general election still leaves a number of issues that must be addressed intelligently.

In carrying out the general election this year, a number of issues surfaced, but the main issue that deserved the spotlight was related to fraud in the conduct of general elections and claims of victory made by one of the pairs of candidates for the general election of the President and Vice President. Through these two issues, there was a considerable mass movement that was able to make people doubt security and order in a number of regions. Moreover, this happened when the community was preoccupied with the moment of fasting and preparation for Eid homecoming.

In fact, it is not uncommon to find people who think “no matter which presidential candidate wins, the most important thing is that the situation in Indonesia remains conducive”. This statement should be a guideline for all Indonesian people, especially those who have not been able to release the attributes even though the voting has been carried out.

We cannot turn a blind eye because of a number of indications of violations in general elections. But we need to underline that everything is only an “indication”. As a good Indonesian society, it is better for us to wait and calm and entrust the process of resolving all these issues to the government. The government as one of the parties that holds general elections will certainly behave as fairly – justly in resolving the problems that occur.

BELIEVEGeneral ElectionGovernment
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