Beware of Hoaxes and SARA Ahead of the 2019 Election

Beware of Hoaxes and SARA Ahead of the 2019 Election

Indonesia is unique as the largest Muslim country in the world. There are only a few countries with a majority of the Muslim population who have not contracted the “Arabization” virus, one of them being Indonesia. This is the wisdom that we should uphold. This country has a very rich ancestral heritage. This ethnic and religious diversity is not shared by other nations. No country stands with such complex diversity. The noble intentions of the predecessors together with the founding fathers who united us in one place called Indonesia.

In the development of global geopolitics, Indonesia is still able to maintain its “uniqueness”. When the world transforms towards democracy, Indonesia is able to adapt without leaving the slightest bit of local wisdom. That is Indonesia, with all the complexity of its primordial background, it can adopt democracy. That democracy and primordial based on religion and ethnicity lead to prolonged conflict in other parts of the world. Whereas in Indonesia all walk in the corridor.

Ahead of the 2019 Election mat, it looks like we are facing a test. What we are proud of is trying to be destroyed by a group of interests. Very ironic indeed, the wealth that is highly upheld has been broken up for the voting in the voting booth. SARA is used as a commodity to divide the integrity of the nation. This is a loser’s political way because he doesn’t have constructive ideas so he can only fight primordial bases.

SARA is a sensitive and complicated issue for Indonesian people, it cannot be avoided because of the complex diversity. Not infrequently the issue of SARA becomes a source of spark of conflict. Perhaps reflecting on this conflict originated from SARA, it aroused the inspiration of a group of losers to make it a political commodity. Fierce, these sensitive issues are presented with falsehood. Without supporting factual data that can be accounted for.

SARA which is packed with hoaks is the main political tool today for diversity supporters. They realized that the ethnocentric attitude was closely embedded in Indonesian society so that it was easily provoked. It is very important to realize that the issue of SARA and hoax does not come naturally, but has been scheduled systematically and measurably. As a result, it has the potential to cause conflict and spread fear. So that a fake hero will emerge in the midst of public anxiety.

Progress in information technology has also been misused. False news and the issue of SARA quickly spread outside into the middle of the public which could turn into a hot ball that was ready to burn anyone who passed it. SARA content is easily accessible, does not require special skills to get it. Naturally, if the political losers are more easily launched the action.

Gradually the engineering of the divisions by utilizing SARA and hoaxes began to be realized by the public. To this group they incite hostility to it and vice versa. Inconsistency in pretense has become a public secret. This is the impact of the spread of lies, eventually it will be revealed even if it is covered with new hoaxes.

It was imprinted in the public’s heart that Prabowo Subianto was very pro-Islamic. Evidenced by his participation in various street movements on behalf of the Islamic Defensive Action. So that the stigma emerged that Prabowo Subianto as the opposition of the Government was a Pro-Islamic person. However, the time does not always side with lies. The circulation of Prabowo’s videos participated in celebrating Christmas and the statement of his younger brother who received PKI support such as licking saliva on his lies. That the issue of SARA is very disturbing to the community especially if it is packaged with a planned design of lies.

Of course none of us wants a split regarding diversity. Especially just for the political interests of power-hungry parties and have a poor track record. The public was asked to reason in digesting misleading information, because it was clear this was a rotten agenda. Pride of primordial has been misused. While begging for this beautiful country to be protected, the Guardian remembers that hundreds of years ago Imam Ghazali once said “if you want to dominate a fool, then wrap something with Religion”. (BT)

By: Rizal Arifin, Political Social Observer

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