Beware of Intruders in Mass Action Ahead of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President

Beware of Intruders in Mass Action Ahead of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President

By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

Demonstrations of students and students who ended anarchist allegedly been infiltrated by stowaways. This indication can be seen from the shifting demands related to RKUHP to overthrow President Jokowi.
Almost in various cities, demonstrations were rife to voice aspirations. They protested against revising the KPK Law. They also asked the DPR to re-discuss the substance of the Criminal Code Bill, the Land Bill, the Minerba Bill and the Penitentiary Bill.
The demonstrators, especially those who staged a demonstration in the regions, were mostly targeting the DPRD Building to voice their aspirations. The regional head’s office is also not spared from the target. In Jakarta, the target of mass action was the Parliament Building. In the demonstration, clashes were inevitable. A number of students became victims.
In the demonstration that led to the riots, we also need to pay attention, that the student demonstration is their means to convey aspirations. however, the fact was that the riots were colored by destructive actions, burning police posts, burning cars, damaging – damaging all existing facilities and infrastructure.
The existence of the vandalism shows the demonstration has been used by stowaways. Moreover, what was caught yesterday when it wanted to burn Jakarta, was also not an action from the students. The perpetrators who made the Molotov cocktails were stowaways that we must pay close attention to and must be wary of their unconstitutional agenda, namely thwarting the inauguration of the President and Vice President.
They seemed to shift the issue that was brought by students to the direction of unconstitutional political attitudes by lowering the hashtag #tokokokowi and voicing to frustrate the inauguration of 2019 elected candidates.
The stowaway group, always trying to take advantage of the student movement. That is because the student groups are starting to consolidate well.
The Director of the Paramadina Public Policy Institute (PPPI) Ahmad Khoirul Umam reminded that the Student movement must always be vigilant so that it can carefully separate from the illegal rider group. That is because groups of stowaways clearly do not fit into the original action agenda echoed by students.
On different occasions, the public was also stirred by news related to a lecturer involved in the Molotov cocktail case.
Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) lecturer Abdul Basith (AB) was named as the central figure of 10 suspects who were secured by Detachment 88. The role was revealed by the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo.
It is known that Abdul Basith was also active in the Mujahid 212 action plan some time ago. He controls the people he recruits to carry out anarchist acts. Both attacks, destruction until Molotov cocktails were prepared.
Besides recruiting, the IPB lecturer also arranged a demonstration action plan scenario that ended in riots. He also doubles as a funder for people who are recruited to take part in demonstrations.
Example. Abdul Basith brought S from Ambon and was directly funded by Basith to come to Jakarta.
Next, S was ordered by Basith to look for people who could assemble Molotov cocktails. Until he met with JAF, AL, NAD and SAM. Suspect S is also in charge of recruiting executors. Until YF was found as the field coordinator. As for the riot executors, were the Navy and the FEB.
The executor then gets an ‘order’ related to the targets in the demonstration. Because of that the evidence seized by the police was not just Molotov cocktails, there were mostly fish bombs. If the target is public facilities, of course it can be very damaging.
Inquired had inquired, Molotov cocktails made by this group are not regular Molotov cocktails that are only filled with gasoline. However, there are other ingredients that can cause more devastating effects.
However, Dedi was reluctant to disclose it because it was feared that the community would imitate it.
He continued, Dedi also explained that this group was in action with the aim of disrupting the inauguration of the DPR / MPR RI. You do this by creating riots from every demonstration held.
For his actions, Basith was charged with Article 1 paragraph (1) of Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 for the crime of making, controlling, carrying, storing, transporting, delivering and or attempting to hand over explosives.
We must remain vigilant of any intruders in every action taking to the streets, indeed the stowaway is not possible to hold its own action, it is certain they will join the big action to look for loopholes to create riots and trouble.

) * The writer is a social political observer

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