Beware of Potential Riots in Election Vote Calculation

Beware of Potential Riots in Election Vote Calculation

By: Adi Ginanjar *

Elections are a party of democracy which has always been the spotlight of many parties, cheating and irregularities are their own threats in every election implementation, both at the level of Pilkades, Pileg and Pilpres. Minister of Home Affairs (Minister of Home Affairs) Tjahjo Kumolo considers that the vote calculation stage is a time prone to fraud in the 2019 Election.

Tjahjo was concerned that the voting stage would not be completed in a day. Following this, voters did not only cast one ballot, but five ballots which included the presidential election, candidates for members of the Indonesian Parliament, Provincial DPRD, Regency DPRD and DPD candidates.

“Moreover (to vote) it takes 11 minutes on average per person, then at the polling station (TPS), can it be finished at midnight?” He said after holding a Coordination Meeting at the Sultan Hotel, Central Jakarta.

Tjahjo also explained that the Ministry of Home Affairs had mapped out areas prone to fraud in the 2019 Election. “If the Ministry of Home Affairs has been tracing, vulnerable areas are still in Papua, because Papua still uses the Noken system, the traditional Papuan bag,” he said.

“With any system, yet in the mountains it is still noken, yes the noken system is democratic. So that who represents their citizens can be calculated in detail. I think that’s the key, “said Tjahjo

Preventing fraud, Tjahjo appealed to the National Police and the TNI to carry out socialization. “Who represents the citizens to count in detail, so there is no cheating,” he said.

He also encouraged all elements of the nation, including the TNI – Polri and ASN to carry out socialization so that the community had the right, consciously to exercise their right to vote democratically. Because, the key to the success of the election cannot be separated from the neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN). Tjahjo added, the key to successful elections is if each stage is carried out according to the PKPU that has been made. In addition, the political participation of the community to use voting rights is also important for reducing white groups (abstentions).

“The role of the National Police and the TNI in socializing the use of voting rights will be effective because they know the conditions in their respective regions,” concluded Tjahjo.

It also asked the TNI and Polri agencies to prepare their personnel in order to make the election successful at the polling station level until the vote count was completed. Because the role of the TNI – Polri is very important to make the election successful. Especially to map election vulnerability. Meanwhile, vulnerability also has the potential for the logistics distribution stage, the potential for vulnerability is related to the late logistics distribution arriving at the polling station.

While the potential vulnerability that must also be observed during the voting stage is the practice of money politics, riots, sabotage and commotion in polling stations and the threat of terrorism. Protests from the results of vote counting, inflating the results of vote counting, buying time for vote counting, and acts of violence and destruction, are a number of potential vulnerabilities in the stages of vote counting.

Responding to the vote count, the Indonesian KPU will propose ballot papers and administrative records at each polling station (TPS) only up to c1 Plano. This is to avoid the one-day deadline stipulated in the law for the ballot calculation process at the polling station.

Commissioner of the KPU RI, Wahyu Setiawan, explained that the calculation of ballots in the 2019 Election has the potential to require a longer period of time considering there are five types of ballots that must be counted.

“As an illustration of the 2014 election alone, vote counting at polling stations, plus administration at polling stations, in the 2014 election, only those four types of votes passed through 12.00 (night),” Wahyu said.

Of course the KPU will communicate with the government and the House of Representatives to jointly seek solutions to this. Because it does not rule out the possibility that the administration completed at the polling station level may exceed 24.00 hours.

“For that, in the not too long time we will communicate with the DPR and the government regarding this matter,” said the Man from Banjarnegara.

The KPU offered, the alternative for counting the votes was possible not to exceed the day, but the administration had the potential to go beyond the day so that we could offer a solution, it was administering at the polling station, KAN ADA CI Plano, there were other documents, if finished on C1 Plano, God willing, enough, but if there is administration and others, this has the potential to be insufficient, “said Wahyu.

In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs also focuses on providing political education to the community to increase participation in the 2019 Election, up to 77.5 percent. The acquisition must be achieved in the 2014 election which ranged from 65.58 percent in the presidential election. Tjahjo did not escape reminding the election organizers who were considered quite prone to temptation. It hopes that the target can be fulfilled well and even surpasses what has been planned.

Meanwhile the Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs Wiranto said that the 2019 simultaneous election was a momentum to choose a trusty leader. He reminded anyone who disturbs the party of democracy to betray the nation.

“This is momentum, the momentum is good, don’t make it bad. Here we choose leaders, must be safe then orderly and successful. Do not try – try to disrupt the election, whoever he is in any way, because the one who interferes with the election means that he has betrayed the nation, “Wiranto said.

* The author is the author is the Contributor of the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute

2019 ElectionBewareElection Vote Calculationpotential
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