Beware of Radicalism among CPNS

By: Angga Gumilar )*

Prospective Civil Servants (PNS) absolutely must be free from radicalism. So, CPNS selection must be tightened and there must be an impression that he is not a member or sympathizer of the radicals. If it is later proven that he is pro-radicalism, he will be severely sanctioned.

Work as a civil servant is still a dream among the people, because they have a high enough salary. Even get a pension later when you retire. Not surprisingly, every year CPNS selection registrants are always booming because it promises financial security.

To become an ASN candidate, one must pass several test stages such as administrative selection, personal characteristics, general intelligence, and especially national insight. Why should there be a test of nationalism? Because civil servants are servants of the country and of course must have a sense of nationalism. This exam has material on the ideology of Pancasila and nationality. If it fails, of course CPNS test participants will fall.

The national insight test also serves as a filter for prospective civil servants whether they are radicals. According to the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform, Tjahjo Kumolo, this test was intended as a preparation for handling radicalism in CPNS exam participants. In the test, several questions about radicalism were included. So it can be concluded whether they are actually sympathizers of the radicals or not.

Why should a prospective civil servant not be a member or sympathizer of radicals? Because the ideals of the radicals are to form a caliphate state, so they are considered as traitors to the nation. Whereas prospective civil servants will be paid by the state. So when a CPNS turns out to be a member of the radicals, it’s like spitting on one’s own well.

To find out whether a CPNS is involved with radicals, the ministry of state apparatus empowerment and bureaucratic reforms make new regulations during selection, which take effect starting in 2019. CPNS registrants first look at their SKCK and later trace whether they have been involved in a case, including radicalism.

After the CPNS were examined by the SKCK, according to the secretary of the Ministry of Administrative Reform, Wahyu Atmaji, they would follow the next stage of the test. CPNS applicants who have passed the basic competency selection will do the selection via interview. So later you can see how his personality and honesty, whether he is a sympathizer of the radicals or not.

Actually now when almost everyone uses social media, they can also investigate from their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Do they follow the account of hard-line radicals? Or have you even re-tweeted about the hate speech against the government? If the answer is yes, it is very likely that he will not be accepted as a civil servant. Because again according to Wahyu Atmaji, civil servants are the guardians of government policy.

This strict selection must indeed be done so that prospective civil servants are truly pure and do not include radicals. Because if it’s already accepted it will be very dangerous. They could have recruited new members from fellow CPNS and together put up a plot to defect the country. Or take advantage of the facilities and positions provided by the state, to hold events that attract the sympathy of others in order to add new members to the radicals.

Prospective civil servants who turn out to be members of radical groups can receive several sanctions, ranging from reprimand to dismissal. Therefore it has been suggested that prospective civil servants should not be sympathizers of radicals, because there is already a legal basis. Namely SKB alias a joint decree containing several types of sanctions if a servant of the state becomes a member of the radicals.

The recruitment selection for prospective civil servants is now much tighter because there is a national insight test. Radical members are also not allowed to become CPNS because they will surely die after passing the test. To investigate that the CPNS is clean or includes separatists and radical groups, can be traced through social media.

)* Active writer in The Jakarta Institute

BewareCPNS FormationRadicalism
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