Beware of Radicalism Becomes State’s Main Threat

By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

A gold shop robber in Magetan failed to rob Rp 10,000,000 worth of jewelry and money on August 24, 2019. The robber named Yunus Trianto (YT / 41 years old) robbed Mas Dewi Sri Shop on Jalan Raya Tebon, Western District, Magetan.

The perpetrators acted during the day and were almost beaten up by the masses when heading for their motorbike which was parked in front of the shop. The police guarding the location immediately secured the perpetrators from the mob tantrums.

However, when examined, the perpetrators apparently carried paint cans complete with axes that at first glance were very similar to improvised explosives, allegedly they were used to threaten cashiers and shoppers at a gold shop during a robbery. The Special Detachment 88 came to his house in Sukolilo Village, Jiwan District and the stall in the Sumur Tiban Market, Kincang Wetan Village, Madiun. Even Detachment 88 also ransacked his parents’ home.

From the search, Detachment 88 has confiscated several sharp weapons. Among these are spears, arrows, rifles, homemade cables and dozens of CDs.

Furthermore, from the suspect’s house, the police managed to secure a laptop, 5 mobile phones along with tablets, bows, knives, solder, ID cards to handcuffs.

After being investigated, the perpetrators who were known to be closed and religious had apparently committed criminal acts in 2009. At that time the perpetrators were found stabbing the Regent of Madiun H. Muhtarom, December 23, 2009 ago.

At that time, the Regent was attending an integrated social service at the Kincang Village Office, Jiwan District, Madiun. Before the stabbing, the victim held a workshop with local residents to discuss the village program for the next mass.

After holding a workshop, the regent and residents enjoyed the campursari entertainment. But around 00.30 West Indonesia Time, YT suddenly came to the Regent who sat on the stage of the village hall and immediately stabbed the Regent using a screwdriver.

YT also served 18 months in prison and has been free to pursue a business selling snacks or plastic packaging equipment with his wife and two children.

Meanwhile Detachment 88 has brought YT to Jakarta. While the police have done crime scene and secure CCTV gold shop in Magetan. CCTV footage will be checked so that it can be developed as evidence.

Local residents also claimed to often hear the sound of the explosion before YT robbed the Magetan gold shop and his house in the 88 densus search. Residents estimated to hear the explosion as much as 7 times in 3 months. Although they were suspicious, the residents did not dare because the owner of the house was known as a private person who was closed.

Not only criminality, the perpetrators are also suspected of entering the terrorism network. Based on information on the results of temporary development, the perpetrators deliberately carried out the robbery at the gold shop because it was related to funding which was then sent to Syria.

Still in the same series of arrests, suspected family members of HS and BL alias Salman, were also secured.

It is known that HS alias Abu Zufar and his core family were secured in Sampang, East Java on Thursday 22 August 2019. HS was known as the amir or leader of JAD Madura. Meanwhile, BL and his wife and children were arrested in Lamongan, East Java, on the same day. BL is also known as Amir JAD Lamongan.

During August 22-24, 2019, the Densus team secured 3 other suspected terrorists in Blitar, East Java. The three were arrested on Friday, August 23, 2019. They consisted of KJ, S and IP. KJ is a member of Blitar’s JAD. While S and IP are members of the Blitar JAD leader Lutfi alias Goper who was arrested in August 2018.

To be aware of this radicalism, of course the role of government officials and community leaders is vital. Local religious leaders certainly have a role to give the understanding that respect does not mean following others, because other people have different ways and objectives, especially in matters of belief and worship.

In an effort to prevent radicalism, Muslims as the majority in Indonesia certainly do not swallow the raw foreign culture, and do not easily drift.

)* The author is a social political observer

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