Beware of Radicalism in Society

By: Muhammad Yasin )*

After the destruction of ISIS some time ago, it was mentioned that the possibility of a radical understanding of expansion remained. Therefore residents are advised to remain vigilant.

Hearing the name ISIS certainly does not need to ask many questions, we must be very concerned with the group. The group which is identical with hardliners and adheres to extremism is indeed very popular. The organization that is in the name of Islam is well-versed when uploads that seem sadistic and unceremoniously spread in the virtual universe. Not one or two of his followers, thousands maybe or more. Even Indonesia has a former ex-ISIS.

Do you still remember, former ISIS sympathizers from Indonesia who finally asked to go home after the destruction of the group they participated in. Unfortunately, the government does not condone their wishes. Because, they themselves have decided to leave the archipelago for the sake of ISIS. And now ISIS seems unable to stand and then abandoned by his followers.

The relationship between these groups with an indication of the expansion of radicalism can be justified. It could be that the seeds of radicalism in the archipelago are called upon to form a hidden power to support its organization again. It could be right? Especially now that radicalism seems to be indiscriminate. The culprit does not seem to fear God let alone the law. They acted as if no one would dare to forbid it, sad indeed. This concern arises, it will attack those who look religious. They will act in the name of religion as part of solidarity.

Therefore, religious mass organizations, such as Nahdatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and other mass organizations in the country are considered to have a strategic enough role to participate in guarding, damaging, and counteracting the development of radical idoelogi-ideology. Especially the violent ideas of the ISIS group in the country who previously wanted to declare a khilafah state.

According to Researchers at the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Education and Information (LP3ES) Associate, Dr. Adnan Anwar MA, said that mass organizations must also be proactive in including priorities that prevention to ban radical organizations like ISIS is indeed feasible. The implication is in assisting government efforts in combating radicalism.

He added, not only mass organizations, but religious leaders or preachers who have insights about moderate Islam also have an important role in preventing extreme ideology in the community. The reason is that religious leaders or preachers also often go to the community to socialize about the dangers of spreading ISIS. If the role of CSOs and religious leaders is able to create synergy, it will certainly become a powerful and difficult force to strike.

Adnan also underlined the importance of prevention efforts by conducting a number of socializations in strengthening the community, starting from the nuclear family to the surrounding community. Namely, the ideology of violence as carried out by ISIS is very dangerous. In fact, it was also mentioned, in several Middle Eastern countries, there was a kind of socialization from a country whose material was used as family education.

In addition, according to him, educational institutions are also obliged to fortify their students so that their students are not easily consumed by persuasion by ISIS. Because, with regard to this material and content school children or students are certainly very dependent on the teacher. Therefore, the government must pay special attention to this teacher. Because, do not dismiss if the teacher is the most effective media to educate the way of thinking of their students.

Thus, there is a need for coaching and monitoring for teachers. Which is often also carried out by related agencies, for example by institutions of the Ministry of Education and Culture or the Ministry of Religion. Because, the teacher is the first source of information for these students. So, don’t let a deviant ideology grow out of these teachers.

Deradicalisation efforts that the government implements can be the first step to help stifle the spread of radicalism. Including returning the understanding of those who have been exposed to the danger of understanding radicalism. In addition, moderate Islamic insights are indeed needed at this time. Therefore, these cases can be used to fortify themselves from radicalism that often awaits. It might be possible that our environment is conducive, but being aware of this movement of extremism must be done.

)* The author is a Muslim millennial contributor

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