Beware of the Dissemination of Radicalism in Community

Awareness of the potential for the spread of radical understanding absolutely needs to be improved. The reason is, no one has immunity related to this understanding.

Like a body that has an immune system against an outside danger, we too are also required to have an antidote for any notion that is deviated. Like, the influence of this radicalism. Given that the danger of understanding that can turn victims towards terrorism. Acting selfishly, fanaticism to extreme behavior towards people who are considered incompatible.

Most radicalism refers to a religion, like Islam. In fact, neither Islam nor any religion has ever taught deviant teachings. This is based on facts in the field. Still fresh in mind, about 90 percent of perpetrators of acts of radicalism and terrorism such as suicide bombings always have the religion of Islam. Thus, many parties inevitably discriminate against this religion. In fact, this religion is a religion that rahmatan lil alamin.

The spread of this radical understanding has entered the bottom line of society. And the most vulnerable is through the world of education with the aim of students and students. Not without reason, at this stage they are still in an unstable emotional state. Still easily influenced and infiltrated by false doctrines. The young souls of these children are capable of being played by radical actors to the extent of dreaming of heroism and the desire for existence to be recognized.

Previously, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) revealed that there was not even one educational institution in Indonesia that had immunity or immunity to understand radicalism or terrorism. They are considered susceptible to influence because this understanding continues to move to do a number of propaganda. Which specifically relates to recruitment to become a successor to the radical movement.

According to the Deputy Director of Prevention Propaganda Head of BNPT Deputy I Prevention Colonel Pas Sujatmiko so that campuses in Indonesia are not affected by radicalism and terrorism, then they must re-emphasize national values ​​to the academic community. And always increase awareness of these threats.

He added, his party would continue to conduct deradicalization programs inside and outside prison (correctional institutions) against perpetrators and former terrorists. In prison, according to him, he gave a number of national and religious insights and prepared to be able to rejoin the community.

He explained, his party carried out programs including resocialization and rehabilitation in order to return to the community environment. As well as conducting entrepreneurship programs for former terrorists who have expertise in the field of business.

He also reported that as of August, there had been at least 632 people following the deradicalization program. However, the difficulty is not being able to force them to join this program. But he was optimistic and still tried to approach them. He revealed, so far the de-radicalization program outside of prison has been going very well.

Meanwhile, the Central Board of Chairman of the Khatib Association of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) said religious lectures must be able to be a medium for spreading moderate Islam and can counteract radical teachings for the people.

General Chairman Hamdan Rasyid stated that the sermon must be able to be a medium in developing moderate Islam. Islam means peace, encouraging kindness and peace, he added. Hamdan said that sermons containing radical ideas still existed so he asked the mosque management to carry out their functions if such religious lectures were found.

He considered there were indeed radicals but could not be generalized. So the sermon must not deviate from the word ‘Islam spreading salvation’, and must spread peace.

In line with this, Deputy Chairperson Munawar Fuad Noeh said that as an organization to gather preachers throughout Indonesia, the Khatib DMI Association also used the network to counter radicalism in the mosque.

Fuad said Ma’ruf (Vice President) also advised that DMI can capture competent preachers in delivering religious lectures as well as those who have a national spirit. The vice president stated that the preacher should have expertise and competence in the field of religion. Because, if only half-half his knowledge will appear misperception among the people.

Munawar also added that from around 850 mosques in Indonesia it takes at least one million preachers to give lectures in every Friday prayer service. To get competent preachers, DMI prepares a certification program for preachers in mosques so that the contents of their religious lectures can be accounted for.

Thus, the government’s efforts to anticipate all exposures to radicalism are seen as unmitigated. They also prepare everything including the consumption of the sermon in order to avoid misperceptions. Therefore, we as citizens must also follow the government’s steps to counter radicalism. Namely applying tolerance among diverse people, the ideology of Pancasila, Unity in Diversity, the 1945 Constitution to the Republic of Indonesia. With these steps, God willing, all problems can be faced.

Muhammad Yasin, the author is a social political observer

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