Beware of the Ideology of Hizbut-Tahrir Impersonating the Community

Beware of the Ideology of Hizbut-Tahrir Impersonating the Community

By: Ahmad Baiquni )*

Hibut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) has indeed been dissolved, but their ideological movements have apparently remained and metamorphosed in the form of community. Where the Islamic community (KARIM) has brought the ideology adopted by HTI to be spread among young people.

It is possible that HTI has indeed disbanded, but the fact is that efforts to dissolve the organization are not the same as efforts to eradicate radicalism and khilafah which are the reasons for the government to dissolve HTI.

The Government’s challenge after disbanding HTI is an effort to ensure that the ideology of the Khilafah is also buried along with the dissolution of the organization. Until whenever it is worth noting that their ideological movements will never die.

Although it is not a mass organization, the movement of KARIM was not different from HTI, which was aimed at establishing khilafah in Indonesia.

The community has brought the legitimacy of the tauhid flag as a symbol of the establishment of HTI-style Islamic caliphate. Karim plays quite smoothly in the realm of high school and community, especially for young people who are thirsty for Islamic knowledge, will be interested in the lure of Islamic heroism.

As a movement, it turns out KARIM also opened branches in big cities, their target is high school children and communities, each month their activities are not only liqo and studies, but have penetrated the nature tadabur events, social action, and so forth. They are apparently going to pursue what is the favorite of young people, and that is what we should be aware of together.

The dissolution of HTI is certainly not without reason, on the basis of Perppu No.2 concerning Community Organizations, the Indonesian government revoked the legal entity Hizb ut-Tahrir in Indonesia. For these regulations Indonesia has become the 17th country to reject the presence of Hizb ut-Tahrir, following in the footsteps of countries such as Egypt, Russia, Malaysia and others.

They also hold on to the messianic ideology or doomsday is near. So that Doomsday is not only a belief but is made into a frightening shadow, with signs that are already real. In order to survive, it must always pledge allegiance to the khilafah and its banner, that is the form of doctrine that KARIM uses to scare the people.

The Rohis Guides who are members of KARIM have started to move along with the dissolution of HTI, doctrine and propaganda about the Khilafah massively to the younger generation who feel dehydrated in religious knowledge and only want to learn instantly.

Strictly speaking Karim with various propaganda khilafah has the potential to divide the nation and state of the Republic of Indonesia. Even though we certainly have been repeatedly affirmed that NKRI, Pancasila, UUD 1945 and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Former HTI Member Ainur Rofik said that HTI had reorganized and transplanted its ideology into various groups, one of the most prominent publicly outspoken was KARIM which featured the symbol of the Hizb ut-Tahrir.

The most obvious case is what happened in MAN 1 Sukabumi. Where a student member of the Rohis was proven to have raised a flag identical to the Hizb ut-Tahrir. This managed to steal the attention of many parties, until the minister of Religion Luqman Hakim also gave comments by asking the relevant parties to immediately investigate the details of the incident.

But after searching, it turns out the student who waved the flag claimed not to know about the flag that could cause public unrest.

The student concerned confessed that the action he carried out was solely on the basis of the desire to seek attention from new students so that they would be interested in participating in Islamic spiritual extracurricular activities.

If they don’t know that the flag is a pretty unsettling attribute, the question is where did the Rohis kids from the high school level get the flag, could they just be given away, or did they make their own flag copying the existing pattern?

It is not wise for us to blame Islamic spiritual events in the school or campus environment. But of course the story will be different if you see the material presented contrary to the spirit of Islam as a religion of mercy and state ideology.

However, we have a big role to play in the important role of guarding the NKRI from the ideologies of Islam that are anti-tolerance and can threaten the integrity of the Indonesian Nation.

)* The author is a sociopolitical observer

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