BI: Tourism Sector will get some benetis during IMF-WB Events in Bali

BI: Tourism Sector will get some benetis during IMF-WB Events in Bali

CIDISS. In less than a month or so, Indonesia will host the 2018 IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting. The event is predicted to have a lot of positive economic impacts on the Indonesian economy.

The head of the Bank Indonesia UKPTI Peter Jacobs said in the near future the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) would release the latest analysis of the IMF-WB 2018 economic impact calculations. Jacob believes that this event will have a lot of positive influence.

Jacobs said there would be a new analysis from Bappenas and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs as chairman. Of course there will be a positive influence and the most rapid is its influence through tourism.

According to him, there will be around 15,000 people present at the event. They will bring foreign exchange and spend. According to him, this will have a positive impact not only on Bali but also nationally.

In the same occasion, Head of the International Department of BI Dodi Zulverdi also said the same thing. According to him in addition to the direct impact as expressed by Jacob, there will also be an indirect impact. Because delegations from various countries are predicted to hold meetings with the Indonesian government.

He revealed, so we will have a chance and BI. He believes the finance minister has also received so many requests for meetings from the leaders of institutions, the company. From the meetings, we will cover the substance completely and the response and the steps taken.

According to Dodi, the event can also be an arena to show that Indonesia can hold annual meetings successfully. So that other countries can see directly the conditions of Indonesia including tourist destinations.

Dodi said that the government hopes that Indonesia’s managerial skills and economic and tourism management will provide more trust.

In addition the Secretary of the working group of the IMF World Bank meeting from the Ministry of Finance Adi Budiarso hoped that the event could also have an effect, especially on MSMEs. Close it, another potential is from MSMEs, artists, businesses. This is amazing. We target the end of September or the beginning of October to be solid all for us to convey to the leadership.

With the holding of these activities, it is expected that Indonesia will be visited by tourists from various countries. Tourism is one of the important sectors that can improve the economy by helping to increase the country’s foreign exchange because of the high demand for rupiah by the guests of the meeting.

By: M. Irfandi *)

BaliBenefitsIMF-WB Eventsthe 2018 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetingtourism sector
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