BIN Helps Children of Cianjur Earthquake Victims

By : Anindira Putri Maheswani )*

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has sent a Humanitarian Team to Cianjur. Not only helping the survivors of the Cianjur earthquake who are adults, they also help children. Moreover, many children have lost their parents, so they are obliged to receive assistance, both logistical and trauma healing services.

To help the children who were victims of the Cianjur earthquake, BIN sent a Humanitarian Team to the district. An aid post was set up in Cijedil Village, and the team came accompanied by 2 trucks full of relief items. BIN Deputy VII Prabawa Ajie stated that the BIN Humane Team brought assistance in the form of ready-to-eat food, money and goods for children and adults.

Children are of concern to BIN because they are suffering a lot. As small children, they ran when there was an earthquake, and didn’t have time to think about carrying clothes, books, or other things they needed. Therefore BIN brought them basic needs and needs for children. The goal is that they can continue their lives without trouble in the future.

Then, children certainly don’t carry cash because they are still small. If someone flees with their parents, they don’t necessarily have to take their wallet with them, because they were busy trying to save themselves during the earthquake and didn’t think about taking money. They were happy because they were given goods and money from BIN, so they could use them for their daily lives. 

There were at least 587 earthquake victims assisted by the BIN Humane Team. Among them are children who really need a helping hand. Unlike adults who were able to work again after the earthquake, children are distraught because they lack food, clothing and money. With the help of BIN, they will smile again.

The assistance from the BIN Humanitarian Team was greatly appreciated by the Cianjur children because they really needed it. Some even became orphans because their father died in the earthquake, and this became a priority in providing aid. Orphans or orphans will be provided with food and other necessities, and taken care of so they don’t get stranded on the streets.

Cianjur children can also get medical assistance because the BIN Humane Team provides health services. Assistance is given  door to door  or ambulances surround Cianjur, so that more residents are helped, including children. 

There will be no stories of children who are survivors of the Cianjur earthquake who are seriously injured and cannot be helped, because the medical team from BIN will immediately treat them. Especially when the situation is not yet orderly because many people are busy saving themselves and seeking help. The BIN Humane Team and the medical team swiftly helped children who other adults might not have noticed.

Meanwhile, BIN also provided assistance in the form of trauma healing to children who were survivors of the Cianjur earthquake. Trauma healing in collaboration with YCAB (Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa) and Mojang Jajaka Cianjur. Dewi, one of Mojang’s representatives, stated that trauma healing uses the playing method. This method increases the child’s response, and they become cheerful again, and increases creativity.

Children who were survivors of the Cianjur earthquake were invited to play so they would no longer be gloomy, sad and remember the earthquake that destroyed their house. They will meet other children and play happily, and their joy will be contagious. With the play method, children can also improve cooperation and be cheerful again.

Apart from being invited to play, during the trauma healing session the children who were survivors of the Cianjur earthquake were also invited to fold paper (origami). By folding paper, in addition to increasing creativity, it can also reduce anxiety. When they feel sad and anxious, they will divert their negative thoughts by practicing origami, so that the trauma will slowly disappear.

Cianjur earthquake survivors also listened to fairy tales and played together. With trauma healing activities that are full of joy, they can forget their sadness because they were victims of the earthquake. They will relax and listen to fairy tales cheerfully.

In the trauma healing event, the MC also held a test of ideals. The children who survived the earthquake will be enthusiastic in telling their goals and they will be motivated to keep learning, so they can achieve their goals as high as possible. With motivation, they are encouraged to become successful adults and make the nation proud.

The earthquake has made Cianjur grieve, including the children living in the district. They received assistance from BIN’s Humanitarian Team, in the form of ready-to-eat food and other logistics. Then, there are also door to door health services   and  trauma healing . BIN provided a lot of assistance so that the children who survived the Cianjur earthquake would be happy again and forget their trauma.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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