BPN Prabowo-Sandi Profitees Gatot Nurmantyo, Political Portrait of Lack of Ethics

BPN Prabowo-Sandi Profitees Gatot Nurmantyo, Political Portrait of Lack of Ethics

By: Rizal Arifin *

For a long time he was not heard, General (Ret.) Gatot Nurmantyo suddenly arrived with a myriad of anger. The act of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo-Sandi woke the tiger from its long sleep. It seems that this group has never been tired of making restlessness and searching for sensations.

It was the profiteering of the photo of General (Ret.) Gatot Nurmantyo on billboards at Prabowo-Sandi’s BPN post in Solo. Obviously the public was out of touch, as if he did not believe Gatot, who had been silent all of a sudden, expressed support for Prabowo-Sandi. Like whispering in a crowd, this news has become a hot topic of conversation. As fast as lightning Gen. (Ret.) Gatot Nurmantyo also responded to discordant voices so as not to become a question mark in the community.

Through his personal twitter account, he said that profiteering was without confirmation, both written and verbal. The BPN Prabowo-Sandi unilaterally displayed a photo of the general without permission and notice to the concerned. Even unmitigated, even the photos on display are in full uniform while still serving as TNI. Not only a Gen. (Ret.) Gatot Nurmantyo, but TNI institutions were harassed. Institutions that are free of practical political values ​​are brought into the political vortex in an inappropriate manner.

“Regarding the news as mentioned above and there is a picture of me on the billboard of Prabowo-Sandi’s BPN post in Solo, I stated that I did not know anything, never asked for approval or was notified both verbally and verbally,” Gatot wrote on his Twitter account.

Gatot then asked the entire BPN team, Prabowo-Sandi, to take off the billboards that had taken his picture immediately. BPN member Prabowo-Sandi, Ferdinand Hutahean, revealed that his party apologized to General Gatot for the actions of his friends and friends in the field, which they did not suspect was causing protests “.

From the above, it is clear that there is an intentional element of profiting a photo of General (Ret.) Gatot Nurmantyo in a complete TNI uniform used as a political tool. This is an amoral portrait of politics. Where not sure about the abilities and ideas offered until all methods are halted. It is inconceivable if the general confirms too late, thousands of polemics and questions make the people and institutions of the TNI chaotic.

As if confirming the utterances of Winston Churchill (Nobel laureate in English), “In war you can only be killed once, but in politics you can die many times”. That is a real picture of BPN Prabowo-Sandi’s stupidity, every day makes a riot, then clarification apologizes, so just keep on going to Lebaran horse. If we look deeper, they make use of the public negligence of every stupid sensation that is raised. Expect someone to miss, then form public literacy for the lies they make in a structured, systematic and massive manner.

Indeed, politics is a gray valley, sometimes in the form of hell and not infrequently a thirst reliever. This is a consequence of democracy, the justification of those who are always dodging. It must be understood that ethics is the limit of political deception. It seems that Prabowo-Sandi’s BPN did not heed this, as if it was a child who was not charged a law to him.

Maybe it’s not beautiful, but that’s the truth. Prabowo-Sandi and his members like not having ethics in politics. Every time always looking for loopholes to cheat and lie to the community in their political maneuvers. Is this a ridiculous step out of mind or indeed this is the nature. Public space is always filled by the breakthrough that justifies any means, against morality in the social construction of the Nusantara community, and as many other stupid things.

It cannot be imagined if Indonesia with its diversity is led by people who do not uphold universal moral values. To get support and sympathy for the 2019 Presidential Election, they did this. This is our reflection as a nation child, of course we do not want to make Indonesia an immoral country. We are valued by the world precisely because of our high empathy and ethical attitude. Please, we save the local wisdom of our nationality as a civilized country.

)* Democracy Activist

EthicsGatot NurmantyopoliticalPrabowo-SandiProfitee
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