Commitment of Government to Protect KPK

Commitment of Government to Protect KPK

By: Aldia Putra) *

The attack on the house of KPK Chair Agus Rahardjo and Deputy Chair Laode Muhammad Syarief became the ninth terror experienced by employees, officials and KPK leaders.

An alleged Molotov cocktail was found in the residence of KPK Deputy Chair Laode M Syarif on Wednesday 9 January 2018. The bomb was found in front of Laode’s home garage in Kalibata, South Jakarta. In addition, a homemade bomb was also found in the fence of the house of KPK Chair Agus Rahardjo. The bomb is placed on a fence that is stored in a black bag.

One neighbor whose house was not far from the house of the deputy KPK chairman said the bottle was found by Laode’s driver at 5:30 a.m.

As for Agus’s house, a house security officer found a suspected bomb lying in front of the house. At the time of the incident, the KPK chairman was not at home.

This latest terrorism is arguably the impact of not resolving previous cases, such as in the case of watering hard water to KPK investigators, Novel Baswedan.

Bivitri Susanti as a legal expert believes that the acts of terror targeting the KPK leadership or members so far are not to eliminate them, but to give a message that what they have done has disrupted the corrupt network so that it must be stopped.

In addition to the terror at the houses of the two KPK leaders, other terrorist acts experienced by KPK members or leaders included raids on KPK safe houses, bomb threats to KPK leaders and investigators, pouring hard water on vehicles belonging to employees and KPK investigators, arresting and kidnapping of investigators on duty.

But of the many cases that existed, none of the cases were successfully resolved, this certainly raises the question, Why?

Though terror bombing at the residence of two leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission is a real form of terror against human rights defenders in the anti-corruption sector.

This attack clearly indicates a repetition due to the absence of punishment, against perpetrators of attacks on KPK members and leaders. This incident is certainly a whip for the police to complete the investigation of the actors behind the attacks on KPK members and leaders.

Although a series of terrorists threatened KPK members and leaders, the KPK’s enthusiasm for eliminating corruption at the NKRI was not extinguished, in line with KPK Chairperson Yudi Purnomo Harahap who stated that the terror did not lower the KPK’s enthusiasm to eradicate corruption. The KPK will continue to carry out its duties as eradicating corruption with various risks received.

Yudi also wants President Jokowi to dismantle various efforts to weaken the KPK through terror to the KPK leadership through terror to the KPK leaders and employees, including the assault of senior investigators from the Baswedan novel.

The community was also asked not to give noise to various speculations, however the government, in this case the police had deployed a team which was directly led by the Head of the National Police Headquarters Detachment 88, Inspector General M Syafii. The Inafis Team and Puslabfor the National Police Headquarters were deployed to look for perpetrators.

ICW Indonesian Corruption Watch researcher Donald Faridz assessed that the terror showed the KPK’s performance in eradicating corruption was still going well. According to Donald, the KPK will continue to get terror from people who are disturbed by the KPK’s performance.

It is not impossible, this time the bomb terror has a connection with the handling of cases being carried out by the KPK. He gave an example of the terror of the Baswedan novel which he considered was related to one of the cases processed by the KPK.

Donald also added that the cause was still speculative. To avoid speculation certainly requires a quick legal process from the police to dismantle it,

Former KPK deputy chairman Bambang Widjojanto hoped that the incidents of attacks on the two KPK leaders could be immediately revealed, hoping that the incidents of attack by KPK leaders Agus and Laode were not the case of the Baswedan novel.

Bambang also hopes that the current KPK leadership must make cases of terror that have happened before as a reflection material. So that all employees and leaders are more aware of fighting terror aimed at the institution.

The government has also sought for KPK investigators and commissioners to get better security. Nevertheless, Jokowi remains optimistic that terror will not loosen efforts to eradicate corruption.

This is the right moment for Jokowi who wants his staff to immediately gather the information needed so that terrorists will be revealed soon. He also ensures that the perpetrators will be dealt with firmly.

The former Governor of DKI Jakarta said that the terror attack was intolerable because it was a form of intimidation to law enforcement officers. Jokowi has also sent Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian to reveal the case.

The Head of the Public Information Bureau at the National Police Public Relations Division, Brig. Gen. Dedi prasetyo, said that his party had formed a team assisted by the Special Detachment of Anti-Terrorism Detachment 88 to uncover the incident.

Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Febri Diansyah appreciated President Joko Widodo’s statement giving instructions to the National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian to investigate the terrorist bombings at the homes of the two KPK leaders.

In this case it is certainly a reflection of the ranks of the KPK to constantly improve security and ensure security risk mitigation within the KPK.

The threat of terror to KPK members is a manifestation of inconvenience to people who are disturbed by the performance of the KPK, until now the KPK has provided orange suits to officials even to the regional level.

Although the threat of terror came repeatedly, this did not dampen the KPK’s performance in eradicating corruption in the NKRI.

) * The author is a political observer

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