Community Supports the Prohibition of Ex-Members of Organizations Prohibited from Political Activities

By: Zakaria) *
Ex-members of banned mass organizations may not go into politics and run for office at any level. This is stated in the draft election law. This prohibition does not take away their rights as citizens. However, they proved to be unfaithful to the Republic of Indonesia, so political activities were strictly prohibited.
The public was shocked by the draft election law which was still being discussed by the DPR. In this draft, there is a plan that former members of the banned organizations may not run for regional elections. They are also not allowed to run as presidential candidates or legislative candidates.
Zulfikar Sadikin, a member of Commission II of the DPR, stated that former members of mass organizations were prohibited from running because they did not comply with the national consensus. Namely Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Whereas in the requirements to run for legislative, regional head or presidential elections, the requirement is that they must be loyal to the 4 consensus of the nation.
Zulfikar added that the former members of the banned organizations contradict Pancasila and other consensus. Because they want to replace the basis of the state with the principle of khilafiah. So that neither former members nor administrators of banned organizations are allowed to become public officials.
The community agrees to this prohibition. First, they don’t want any presidential candidate who is a former caretaker of a banned organization. Because they always make trouble, by making hate speeches and spreading SARA issues. Thus troubling people’s lives in Indonesia.
Second, the former administrators of the banned organizations have also proven to be disloyal to the state. The proof is that someone was caught in a terrorism case and was proven to be affiliated with ISIS. How can Indonesia have officials who are terrorists? The country might quickly collapse if they are given the opportunity to advance in the pilkada, pileg, or presidential elections.
Meanwhile, the third, the ex-administrators of the forbidden organization always want to make a khilafiah state and reject Pancasila. Even though the principle of khilafiah cannot be used in Indonesia, because the society is multi-cultural and recognizes 6 religions. The Khilafiah cannot accept pluralism, so it is very unsuitable if it is carried out in Indonesia, where society is diverse and unified.
Imagine if the former member of a banned mass organization was not prevented from becoming a candidate for president or candidate, then he could walk as long as he had the capital and the supporting masses. If he is elected, then Indonesia might turn into a khilafiyah state. Even though Indonesia is a Pancasila country, if it is changed it will betray the struggle of the proclaimers and national heroes.
If someone protests, why does this ban look like the New Order era? So they are the ones who misunderstand, because the comparison is not apple to apple. First, the state has never taken away the right of citizens to run for office. However, when an Indonesian citizen is proven to be a former member of a banned mass organization, he will automatically fail in the administrative phase. For not being loyal to Pancasila.
Second, this prohibition was made to protect the Indonesian people from the influence of banned mass organizations. If their former members become officials, say mayors, then the citizens will gradually be influenced to become anti-Pancasila. This is very terrible because they might be brainwashed and invited to become separatists, because they reject democracy.
If anyone protests, then tell him to understand this prohibition and think about its long-term effects. Don’t be a short-wick and feel their rights are being hurt. Because the state protects Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution by promulgating the election law. Because the basis of the state cannot be replaced with anything.
The prohibition of former members of prohibited organizations from becoming candidates, cawali, or presidential candidate is very reasonable. Because they are proven to be disloyal to the country, and are always angry at every government decision. How can they become officials if they always contravene the president? The public supports the election law and hopes it will be formalized soon.
) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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