Comply with Health Protocols to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19

By: Andri Hermawan (Surabaya City Blogger)

The community’s indiscipline in implementing health protocols is one of the toughest challenges in dealing with Covid-19 transmission. In fact, the government constantly reminds the public to consistently implement health protocols, such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands (3M).

Non-compliance with health protocols is often a consideration for the government to impose social restrictions. In fact, this has resulted in various problems, especially in the socio-economic aspects, such as contraction of economic growth and increasing unemployment and poverty rates.

BPS data states that there are 17% of residents or around 44.9 million people who have the perception that it is impossible to be infected with Covid-19. Such perceptions cannot be tolerated because it will pose a potential threat of transmission and make it difficult to implement health protocols. The results of a survey on community behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic on September 7-14 2020, conducted by BPS, can provide an idea of ​​the lack of discipline of a number of residents in implementing health protocols.

There are about 8.02% of the population not wearing masks, 26.46% do not keep their distance, and around 22.29% do not wash their hands. From this data, it can be seen factually that the population has not optimally implemented health protocols. The 3M message, namely wearing masks, keeping your distance, and washing your hands should be carried out responsibly.

The data from the community behavior survey during the Covid-19 pandemic could perhaps be used as initial input (pre-existing conditions) to dig up more detailed information to make the implementation of the behavior change program a success. This can happen if people remind each other, including providing valid information.

As a channel of information in society, the millennial generation is certainly expected to have sufficient knowledge to encourage people to comply with health protocols. Community and religious leaders also have the ability to expand the scope of the community being educated thereby accelerating understanding of health protocols. Furthermore, it is hoped that the government program can be carried out in an orderly manner so that it becomes a national movement.

Therefore, it is hoped that the awareness of all elements of the nation will participate in the behavior change program so that discipline in carrying out health protocols is maintained. In addition, vaccination is also one of the late solutions in preventing the spread of Covid-19.

Imagine if the entire community obeyed health protocols and supported national vaccination, the transmission of Covid-19 could be stopped immediately. Therefore, it is hoped that all components of society will be aware and willing to implement it, so that the life of the Indonesian people can return to normal and be able to continue the development program that has stalled during this pandemic.

ComplyCovid-19Health ProtocolsPreventSpread
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