Corruption Of Regional Head After Election

Corruption Of Regional Head After Election

CIDISS. The Ministry of Home Affairs reminded the heads of district leaders to be careful in making regional mid-term development plans. This is because the budget planning of revenue and expenditure become the focus because of prone to corruption. The Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, said the budget planners created by regional heads should be able to make budgetary plans in accordance with existing regulatory mechanisms.

This is because in the preparation of budget plans prone to corrupt practices that can ensnare the elected regional head. Moreover, there are licensing cases that have the potential to bring regional heads to corruption. Expected budgeting process, especially planning must be transparent with information technology based. It is hoped that the made-up can also be more systematic and measurable.

Budget planning has a large gap of corruption. This is because the system of transparency in the preparation of the budget has not been fully implemented. Especially with the huge political costs, it is very possible that the APBD becomes a source of money to pay the debts of regional heads during the campaign period.

The elected regional head must be able to open the budget planning process to the public to reduce the possibility of transactions between politicians and regional heads. In addition, regional heads must follow each budget planning process. During this time, the preparation of the budget is still replication, resulting in inflation of the value of procurement of goods and services or non-essential travel services,

The number of assumptions as mentioned above certainly reduces the public’s motivation to participate in elections 2018. However, keep in mind that the assumption can not be generalized to all candidates. Surely we can choose the best candidate from the existing candidates and do not vote for golput because it will harm the whole party, especially ourselves.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

corruptionelectionprone to corruptionregional headthe budget planningThe Ministry of Home Affairs
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