Cunning Trick of Separatist Groups Provoke Society

By: Edward Krey )*

Around 300 demonstrators who carried out anarchist demonstrations in Papua expressed their regret. They generally feel cheated by the Korlap for using racism to riot. The existence of this case adds to the long list of devious strategies of Papuan separatist groups

The situation in Papua is now conducive and safe. Even so the National Police Chief and the Armed Forces Commander are still preparing personnel to guard. In several Papuan cities, it has also been reported that the atmosphere has returned to normal. This news seems to be good news for all the people of Indonesia.

Remembering the events of the other day was so gripping. The mass pushed to brutal anarchist action. However, thanks to the cooperation of the state apparatus and all elements of society to cool the heat situation the other day has paid off.

On the other hand, it was reported that around 300 people who had joined the protest group yesterday had been aware and regretful. This was also confirmed by Kapendam XVII / Cenderawasih, Lieutenant Colonel CPL Eko Daryanto.

Eko said if the demonstrators felt cheated by a person who was waiting for racism issues. The 300 residents are from the mountainous region, Wamena. Eko also mentioned that Asintel Kasdam, Col. Inf JO Sembiring as representative of the XVII / Cenderawasih Kodam, along with the Chairperson of the Papua Representative Human Rights Commission, Frits Ramanday, conducted mediation and negotiations.

This step was taken to find the best solution to evacuate the demonstrators. So that clashes between groups can be avoided, especially in the Jayapura area.

On the other hand, it was reported that there was an announcement of a ban on demonstrations. The entire notice contains 6 points. This is done in order to maintain security and public order in Papua. Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Rudolf Alberth Rodja, said the same thing if this notice needed to be issued to address the current conditions in the Land of Papua.

The contents of the notice include, the first is a ban on everyone expressing an opinion that can lead to anarchist acts in public. Including the destruction, burning of public facilities as well as causing clashes between community groups. The threat of punishment for this first information was regulated in Law Number 9 of 1998, articles 16 and 17. Regarding freedom of expression in public.

The second information regulates, for everyone and CBOs, it is strictly forbidden to spread separatist understanding in relation to opinions expressed in public as well. Violations of this second notice will be subject to punishment in accordance with article 82 a junto article 59 paragraph four (4) letter b. and Law number 17 year 3013 Junto Law Number 16 Year 2017 concerning Mass Organizations. The threat of punishment-no kidding that is 20 years in prison.

Third, Prohibition for everyone who carries out activities that can cause a separation of part of the territory from the Republic of Indonesia. This will be considered as an act of conspiracy as arranged in Article 104, Article 106, Article 107 and Article 108 of the Indonesian Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 87 and Article 88 of the Indonesian Criminal Code.

The fourth notice contains a prohibition on incitement, uploading and spreading false news. Which will lead to hatred and enmity among fellow citizens. This is regulated in article 28 paragraph (2), article 45 paragraph (2) of Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) in conjunction with article 45 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

Fifth Notice, the prohibition of carrying a bat or weapons with other forms which are considered to be dangerous to other parties. This is as regulated in article 1 paragraph (1) along with article 2 paragraph (1) Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951.

Finally, the sixth notice contains the strict enforcement of security measures against perpetrators of violations of law and anarchism. Especially those who do not comply with this appeal. The threat of punishment is regulated in article 6 paragraph 1 letter a, article 19, article 20 and article 21 of the Criminal Code.

It is hoped that all citizens of the cities of Jayapura and Papua can understand the information that has been issued so that it will create a sense of security and comfort.

Regret does always come last. No matter what our position, all related communities should be able to refrain from the issue of provocation or racism. Including the importance of avoiding misuse of social media as part of acts of division. So that national stability will be realized from the sense of security and comfort felt by the citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.

)* The writer is a Papuan student, living in Yogyakarta

Cunning TrickSeparatist Groupssociety
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