Daewon Group Eyes Lombok for Investment

Daewon Group is looking into the possibilities to expand its business in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The South Korea-based company, which specializes in the construction, machinery and information technology sectors, has set its eyes on Lombok for its tourism potential.

Daewon Group CEO Park Do Moon and Democrat politician Max Sopacua met with NTB Governor Muhammad Zainul Majdi in the latter’s office on Wednesday, June 3, 2015.

“Lombok has greater potential than Bali to lure tourists,” Park Do Moon said. Daewon Group is known to have extensive ties with the country dating back to 25 years ago, not only in the construction sectors, but also the education and culture sectors.

Responding to the company’s interest, Majdi suggested Do Moon meet with the Investment Coordinating Board as the nation’s institution in charge of investments.

“I want to make sure that the investment process is clear, swift and done according to procedures and not causing any trouble for investors,” said Majdi, who is also a Democrat politician.


Daewon Group Eyes Lombok for Investment
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