Development, Responsibility of Indonesian Citizen

Development, Responsibility of Indonesian Citizen

CIDISS. Infrastructure development is a basic pillar in moving the wheels of a country’s economy. Through adequate infrastructure the economic activities of the community can go well so that economic growth can increase and the welfare of society can be achieved. This is clearly the mandate of the founders of this nation to realize a sovereign, just and prosperous Indonesia.

Improving the economy and the welfare of the people will not just happen, but there are major processes and factors that must exist in promoting economic and welfare improvements. In Jokowi-JK Government, infrastructure development became one of the main programs. Some of the implementation we can see from the infrastructure development program that is not only done in Java alone but done in other remote areas.

Development is the responsibility of all parties, from the Government to the community. In the current Government era, the Government has successfully embraced various groups to participate in the development, especially in Papua and West Papua. To date, the central government has built 4,325 kilometers of roads, 30 new ports and 7 new airports, as well as improving public services in the form of free basic health care for 2.8 million Papuans, and free education for 360,000 Papuan students. The success of development in Papua is evidenced by the increase of economic growth in Papua which reached 9.1% and is the highest growth in Indonesia.

Development of development until now certainly not necessarily change the stigma to the Government’s attention to the development of Papua. There are still negative issues that Papua and West Papua are disadvantaged areas and are not noticed by the Government launched by pro-separatist parties, both from within and outside the country with all its interests. Changes and progress of the Land of Papua should be achieved if the people of Papua and West Papua participate in synergy with the Government in the development.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

country's economyDevelopmentinfrastructure developmentPapuaResponsibility of Indonesian Citizenthe economic activitiesWest Papua
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