Distribution of 2018 Election Logistic

Distribution of 2018 Election Logistic

CIDISS. The election of regional heads in 2018 will be held approximately one month from now. Therefore, the organizers of regional head elections have started preparing to carry out their respective duties. The closer the election time indicates that the necessary logistics should be prepared immediately. The organizers began to distribute, sorting, and folding the logistics of local elections, especially in some areas that are considered difficult to do distribution due to several constraints.

The General Elections Commission began to channel various logistical needs for the election of regional heads in 171 regions. Some logistic commodities are distributed, including ballots, voting booths, inks, and seals. The logistics of regional head elections that have been distributed are usually sorted and re-examined by the receiving party. This is done in order to be known if there are errors and damage so quickly to be done replacement and destruction of damaged logistics.

After checking and sorting, the logistics will be folded and stored in the warehouse of the Regional Election Commission before it will be distributed to the polls, at least a week before the voting. Please note that any logistics arriving at polling stations must be sealed.

To organize a regional head election this year, the Election Commission requires 211 million ballot papers, 700,000 ink bottles, 6.8 million seals and 1.3 million holograms. However, not entirely new procurement because the logistics of the procurement results of the previous regional head election can still be used, among others, 1.8 million ballot boxes.

In channeling the logistics of regional head elections, it is not the responsibility of the printing company, so the General Elections Commission also asks for help and the police and the local army to secure the distribution. Related to its security, the General Elections Commission has also anticipated the delivery of logistics to 67 priority areas. The area is categorized as a priority because many have constraints on transportation acceses and extreme weather that can threaten the delivery process.

Seeing the efforts of the organizers, all parties are optimistic that the implementation of regional head election 2018 simultaneously will run smoothly, without any significant obstacles. However, of course the existence of certain factors that could become an obstacle in the implementation of 2018 regional head elections can not be fully eliminated. Therefore, as a dignified society, let us contribute to the successful implementation of local elections so smoothly and able to bear the head of a qualified region and able to lead the region.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

2018 Election Logisticand foldingdistributeelection timesortingthe election of regional heads
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