Don’t Be Careless of Anticipating the Spread of Radicalism

Don’t Be Careless of Anticipating the Spread of Radicalism

By: Aldia Putra )*

The spread of radical understanding in Indonesia in recent years is quite alarming. Not only targeting ordinary citizens or students, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or civil servants are also targeted to become cadres of radical groups. The public and related institutions are expected not to be careless in being aware of the spread of this radical understanding.

The spread of radicalism is considered increasingly massive. In fact, former defense minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has also stated that 3 percent of TNI members are exposed to radical understandings.

The Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) through the Ansor Youth Movement also mentioned that many mosques in state-owned enterprises were infiltrated by radical groups.

Helmy also considered that the government can be really serious in counteracting the spread of radicalism, especially the spread through social media.

We also need to know that the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) noted that it has blocked 1500 sites and social media accounts with content of radicalism and terrorism during 2019.

Acting Head of the Ministry of Communication and Information Bureau Ferdinandus Setu said in total over the past 10 years it had blocked 11,800 sites and social media accounts containing radicalism and terrorism.

The content and sites of radicalism are of course very dangerous, this is because the sites of radicalism and terrorism concern the security of the nation and state.

The use of the Internet and technological advances now support aspects of ethical change and people’s behavior. The increasing dependence of the use of social media in the community makes information spread on social media unstoppable so that infiltration of radicalism becomes easy.

Especially with the lack of digital literacy in Indonesian society, where almost every social media account owner can spread content with only 2 to 3 clicks.

Radicalism can grow one of them because of lack of interpretations of science in its context. This understanding can be addressed, among others, by understanding the correct study of Arabic.

Do not let any content originating from Arabic then we consider it as a religious language. This certainly must be addressed because understanding the correct Arabic studies can be used to counter radicalism.

Muslim scholar Alwi Shihab said that radical groups in the country would prefer ulama from the Middle East or the Arabian peninsula to become role models. They underestimate the native Indonesian scholars.

Alwi’s assumption was caused because he considered that counseling or lectures from Indonesian ulemas were less in demand by radical groups.

He said that radical Islamic leaders in Indonesia often provoke the community. For example by mentioning that Pancasila is an ideology that is contrary to Islamic teachings.

Reflecting on this phenomenon, Alwi assessed that scholars from the Middle East were involved in preventing the danger of radicalism in the country. According to him, it can be an effective step to anticipate the growth of radical Islamic understanding in Indonesia.

The total population of Muslims in Indonesia has the potential to cause acts of terror and the spread of radical ideas of pro-violence in Indonesia. However Terrorism and radicalism are not only identical and practiced by Muslims but also done outside of Islam.

One characteristic of people who are exposed to understanding is that they suddenly become loners or anti-social and often spend time with an undisclosed community, experiencing emotional attitude changes when talking about political and religious views, using suspicion and excessive criticism of public practice in general.

Worse, one of the characteristics of people who are exposed to radical understanding is willing to cut off communication with parents and family.

Radicals also appear to display religious attitudes and behavior that are different from society in general, they tend to be unhappy with the thought of ulama and moderate organizations.

The spread of radical understanding in Indonesia certainly cannot be taken lightly. Radical Islamic figures in Indonesia often provoke people. For example by mentioning that Pancasila is an ideology that is contrary to Islamic teachings, because history records, Pancasila was agreed upon by religious leaders after Pancasila was declared.

Ulema from the Middle East who are considered to be role models of religious leaders in Indonesia, can certainly be involved in efforts to counter the spread of this understanding.

In an effort to reduce the spread of radicalism, of course, it must be done across government sectors, including involving figures who have influence in spreading religious symbols.

)* Active writer in United Muslim Millennial

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