E-Id Card Mandatory?

CIDISS. The desire of Commission II of the House of Representatives to ensure that voters are required to have electronic ID card (e-ID) as a condition to register form C6 get reaction from various circles. Previously rumored that the discourse of the voters is required to have Electronic Identity Card (e-ID) as a condition to get form C6. Observer of State Constitutional Law Irman Putra Sidin said if it is applied then the potential of golput in the party of democracy will be greater.

Supposedly, voters who come to vote just by using a regular KTP are also allowed. This is because the problem of recording E-KTP data to date is still not completed so that voters who do not have E-ID card threatened cannot use the right to vote.

Basically, ID cards both electronic and non electronic need not be questioned. Differences KTP is only located on the technology owned and the system. The government should pay more attention to the voting rights inherent in every citizen, not on the issue of E-KTP ownership. If this is enforced, it is feared that the number of voters will increase if the number happens, then the constitutional feast of democracy in Indonesia can be questioned.

Nevertheless, the government program is implemented for the good of all Indonesians. The programs that have been discourse must have been through a number of steps and a mature evaluation process so it is expected to have a positive impact for all parties.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)


E-Id CardE-KTPE-KTP ownershipElectronic Identity Card (e-ID)the House of Representativesvoters
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