Election Does Not Mean Not United

Election Does Not Mean Not United

By: Elan Lazuardi) *

As a great nation, of course Indonesia must be able to show the world that Indonesia is a nation that upholds unity and unity.

This is because, the rise of the Indonesian people to realize a future that is just, dignified and progressive, can only be achieved through the maintenance of national unity and integrity based on the spirit of brotherhood between communities.

We have passed the 2019 presidential election with all the excitement, many are happy and there are those who criticize it, and some even openly accuse the 2019 election of being full of cheating.

A sense of unity can be destroyed if the provocation becomes more active and those who are provoked swallow all information raw. Unity is maintained will certainly foster harmony in life and peace in society, if the matter of unity can be maintained well, then it is not impossible to accelerate mastery of science, technology, art and culture can be realized for a better future of Indonesia.

Certainly, we will feel uncomfortable learning something, with someone who has no tolerance for differences. Though tolerance is one of the characteristics that exist in the Pancasila ideology.

Elections which are truly democratic parties are merely a tool or mechanism to determine who is the best among the nation’s best sons to preserve the journey of the Indonesian people in the future, and whoever is elected, so that they are indeed desired by the people and all must support each other for progress and unity Indonesia.

In filling out independence, of course do not threaten the union just because of different choices, now we are no longer colonized by other countries, but what is our opponent is ourselves.

Without the unity that has been championed by the predecessors and founding fathers of Indonesia, Indonesian independence will certainly only be something that is impossible for the nation, so at present, division is also very likely to occur if differences only strengthen inter-community polarization.

We hope that the new government’s performance will not be disrupted by non-technical matters as an impact of the division of society due to differences in political choices in the election. Hopefully with the existing cabinet reforms, the government can embrace and accommodate the interests of all parties, so that the polarity that occurs such as religious or political nuances can be reunited, without the presence of 01 and 02 groups.

Do not let identity politics make the nation not get along, like the story of online taxi drivers who force their passengers down on the road just because the president’s choice is different and he is not wearing hijab, this certainly does not reflect Indonesia’s values ​​that uphold diversity.

This should be an evaluation for the political elite in building public narratives, not to let the political elite only pursue victory but neglect to give examples of how to compete in a healthy and elegant manner.

The Javanese proverb says Win tanpo ngasorake. But the saying seems to only be a breeze then, when some religious leaders actually provocatively insult and invite their followers to insult improperly.

The end of the simultaneous election on April 17, is expected to be able to re-unite all the differences that had tapered during the campaign period, a sense of unity can be started by inviting friends to have a casual chat or coffee together without discussing sentiments about politics.

Of course it would be wiser if for the losing supporters to congratulate on social media, without including tags that are not worth reading, of course we must ask ourselves, is it appropriate for me to insult or demean friends who are defeated in the presidential election.

Because in essence elections are not to create division, elections are a manifestation of the application of the Pancasila ideological value, where in its implementation it must not forget the element of the third principle, namely the unity of Indonesia.

Our sense of Indonesianness is reflected in the ideology of the Pancasila state, so that the campaign in the upcoming five-year Pileg and Pilpres should no longer be saturated with identity politics that divide unity, but is livened up by a strategy contest, a contest of ideas and an idea.

If there are differences, it is certainly a natural thing, because diversity in Indonesia has been embedded since a long time ago.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

2019 presidential electionelectionunited
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