By: Andi Raharja )*

Indonesia, a country with a variety of uniqueness and endless political polemics. Indonesia is home to more than 230 million people, no matter their ethnicity, religion and work. Since independence, the Indonesian nation has always tried its best to move forward, to remain competitive in the world arena. This nation is a nation that never gives up and is full of potential, indeed. Although often, the challenge is the nation itself. Why is that ?

Local wisdom, thick customs, the value of togetherness and mutual cooperation; is a series of descriptions or characteristics of Indonesian society. You and I are in the midst of a group of people who are rich in “diversity”. And although diverse, we remain in a “unitary harmony”. This is unique and magical.

This country has a regulation that is firmly held by all layers of Indonesian citizens, namely in Article 28E paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of association, assembly and opinion”. Freedom of expression is part of human rights. Because of the existence of these regulations, the opinion in Indonesia is a freedom and deserves respect.

However, freedom of opinion does not mean that it can be used without regard to existing norms. Opinion is permissible as long as it continues to respect the human rights around it. As with the results of the 2019 General Election, let us accept the results and not be debated. The results of the 2019 General Election have been decided in accordance with applicable regulations and legal processes so that the results are credible and there is no need to debate the results.

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