Elections In Paniai and Nduga Fail?

Elections In Paniai and Nduga Fail?

CIDISS. The election of regional heads in the districts of Nduga and Paniai, Papua, was postponed. This is because there is not a single organizing committee that arrived in the two areas. According to Soedarmo (Acting Governor of Papua), Nduga KPUD Commissioner was dismissed and their duty is now taken over by Papua Election Commission. But, all logistics Nduga regional head election already exist in the location and just waiting for voting time.

Actually, the entire logistics of Papua 2018 governor election for Nduga District already exist in the location. Based on Menkopolhukam Wiranto’s statement, the delay occurred because of the Twin Otter ship attacks carrying the electoral logistics and 15 Brimob personnel on 25 June. However, the actual implementation of the voting process is just waiting for the arrival of the organizers of the Provincial KPU of Papua. However, until now declared not safe to make the plane landing.

As for Paniai Regency that should hold the election of regents and vice regents, the implementation can not be done because there are still legal disputes. This is triggered by differences of opinion between KPUD Kabupaten and provincial KPUD, where the provincial KPUD requires two candidates while District KPUD and local people want a single candidate.

Election of regional head of Kab. Paniai was postponed pending the decision of PT TUN submitted by KPUD Paniai. Postponement of local elections in Paniai may last for a long time because there is a legal dispute pending the decision of TT. Nevertheless, the process of election of governors in the region can still be done peacefully.

In line with the above statement, Menkopolhukam Wiranto also stated that the election process in 2018 Regional Head Elections in Nduga and Paniai districts of Papua Province was postponed. However, people are asked not to be afraid because there is no significant problem.

When viewing more broadly, the implementation of local elections this time can be said to succeed because it does not encounter significant problems in the implementation. This can be realized because of the preparation of mature government and cooperation from the community so that the implementation of the election stage of regional head to voting can be done with peaceful atmosphere.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

Acting Governor of PapuaNdugaPaniaipostponedthe election of regional heads
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