Elements of Society Ready to Guard the Inauguration of the Elected President and Vice President

Elements of Society Ready to Guard the Inauguration of the Elected President and Vice President

By: Pahlavi Yoga )*

A few days before the inauguration of the President and Vice President were elected, a number of elements of the community began to move and support the inauguration process. The support was conveyed as the importance of respecting the decisions of the 2019 election results as a form of democratic maturity.

This month will certainly be a history for Jokowi’s leadership who succeeded in winning for the second time, Joko Widodo succeeded in surpassing his opponent Prabowo after various calculation processes up to the trial at the Constitutional Court. Although there were rumors about the inauguration abolition, apparently there were many elements of the community who would guard and oversee the inauguration of the President and Vice President for the period 2019-2024.

The West Java Volunteers 01 Brigade, for example, intends to oversee the inauguration of the 2019-2024 President and Elected Vice President, Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin, who is scheduled to be installed on Sunday, October 20, 2019.

At least 10,000 West Java 01 Brigade cadres will travel to Jakarta to oversee the inauguration. In fact, he said he was ready to attach the body to those who tried to frustrate the inauguration of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin.

West Java 01 Brigade Chairman Cecep Kholiludin stressed that the inauguration of the elected President and Vice President was the highlight of the democratic party that had to be carried out.

Moreover, the KPU and MK have set Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin as President and Vice President in accordance with applicable regulations.

Of course no one can interfere with the people’s sovereignty which is realized through the election mechanism. So the inauguration must be accepted by all elements of the nation and carried out sincerely happily.

He said, if there are groups who intend to thwart the inauguration of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin, West Java 01 Brigade is ready to post the Agency to maintain the trust of the people and the trust of the people who have given their choice.

Cecep added, 10,000 members of the West Java 01 Brigade will later join other voluntary organizations. Besides escorting and supporting Jokowi-Ma’ruf’s inauguration, a thanksgiving will be held for this success.

We need to know, that Brigade 01 consists of village activists, village elements and village communities. So, they came to Jakarta, one of which also represented the aspirations of the village community.

Brigade 01 also fully supports the TNI / Polri apparatus to take action against anyone who wants to disturb or obstruct the inauguration of the elected President and Vice President for the period 2019-2024.

Meanwhile, a number of community elements in Banyumas, Central Java (Central Java) also organized a support and escort event towards the inauguration of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin on 20 October.

There are around 30 supporting elements of Jokowi who hold an entertainment stage filled with speeches, poetry readings, singing and others. Then in the afternoon, the Banyumas Ebeg community also held ebeg art at Glempang Field, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto.

The principle of the event is to oversee and fully support the inauguration of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin. The program also illustrated that support does not have to be anarchist. They support the relaxing program by singing, poetry and speeches. Everything goes peacefully.

Jokowi’s supporters also did not escape his signature on the white cloth provided at the local location. Banyumas Deputy Regent Sadewo Tri Lastiono also participated in the signing of the signature.

He said, the event that was held by Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin’s supporters was a real support. Especially in Banyumas Regency, the Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin pair managed to win a landslide victory with more than 74% of the votes.

Aris, one of the supporters from Cilongok, said that they are ready to escort Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin, especially if there is undermining from the Khilafah group.

In the afternoon, the ebeg community also enlivened the event, the ebeg performance was an expression of the artists in guarding the victory of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin.

With the ebeg art performance, they want to unite the spirit of the supporters of Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin to close ranks again until the inauguration later.

In addition to West Java and Central Java, elements of society in Jakarta who are members of the Cinta Damai and Cinta NKRI communities take acts of love by distributing a flower as a symbol of love for others and also respect one another.

It also strongly condemns all forms of demonstrations to convey aspirations aimed at mendown grade of a legitimate and constitutional government.

Jokowi certainly is not alone, in all the problems that exist, there are still loyal supporters of Jokowi who continue to show concern by guarding the inauguration and memblowup hashtag #KAMIBERSAMAJOKOWI. Support for the inauguration of the President and the Vice President also proved that the public obeyed the applicable law and the 2019 Election process.

)* The author is a social political observer

ElectedinaugurationPresidentsocietyVice President
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