Equal Development Between West and East Region

Equal Development Between West and East Region

CIDISS. The Ministry of Rural Development, Disadvantaged Areas Development and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) continue to promote growth and equity of development to reduce regional disparities in Indonesia, particularly between the development of the Western and Eastern Regions, as well as between rural areas, underdeveloped regions and borders.

In an effort to eradicate at least 80 Disadvantaged Regencies at the end of the RPJMN 2015-2019, it focuses on 50 Disadvantaged Regencies that are border areas, small outer islands, prone to disasters, food insecurity and post conflict.

To support the eradication of underdeveloped villages and to seek for developed and independent villages, Kemendes PDTT targets 16 Integrated Priority Districts that are part of Disadvantaged Areas. from these 16 integrated priority districts, four districts were selected as model pilots for Aceh Singkil, East Lombok, Manggarai and West Southeast Maluku. The results of the piloting will be adopted by 12 other District Priorities in accordance with the characteristics of potential, needs, and problems of each region.

Of these 16 integrated priority districts, four districts were selected as model pilots of Aceh Singkil, East Lombok, Manggarai and West Southeast Maluku. The results of the piloting will be adopted by 12 other District Priorities in accordance with the characteristics of potential, needs, and problems of each region.

There is also an Integrated Agricultural Management System (Simantri) program that can be used as an integrated pilot program of the District. Simantri is an integration program of several regional tools to increase the area of ​​horticultural crops, livestock population, quality, and continuity of horticultural crops.

The birth of this program is expected to provide quality horticultural crops throughout the year with market-oriented needs. Simantri is a synergy program of various regional tools and related parties in an effort to increase farmers’ income. Several parties involved in the Simantri Program of Livestock Services Office in the form of provision of livestock for 12 target groups, Dinas Pertanian in the form of provision of seeds of 14 types of plants, fertilizers and assistance, the PUPR Office provides infrastructure and development of irrigation networks, and the Trade Office which helps from the post-harvest and marketing.

By: Mirwan Achmad*)

Disadvantaged Areas Development and TransmigrationEqual Developmentpromote growth and equity of developmentThe Ministry of Rural DevelopmentWest and East Region
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