Fight Covid-19 with the Application of Pancasila Values

By: Zakaria )*

The Covid-19 pandemic or corona virus has become a complex global problem, not only in terms of health, the economy and education are also affected by the disease caused by these microscopic super creatures. The community is also encouraged to continue to work together and unite in accordance with the noble values ​​of Pancasila.

Moreover, some countries had made a lockdown in order to break the spread of Covid-19. In Indonesia, there are still areas that implement the PSBB, although there is a bit of leeway.

The government also appealed to the public to reduce the intensity of activities outside the home to uphold the number of victims who contracted Covid-19.

Despite the crisis, we must not forget that Indonesia still has the Pancasila ideology. This ideology has become the spirit of the nation’s personality which invites people from Sabang to Merauke to unite and cooperate.

The noble values ​​of Pancasila should be able to be applied by all Indonesian people. In the face of this pandemic we all have a role to play in reducing the number of victims of Covid-19. Not by continuing to blame the government, but minimal action. Because the true implementation of Pancasila is finding solutions through the cooperation of the Indonesian people.

The foundation of the state contained in the Pancasila has made the precepts within it make it the best ideology for this country.

Pancasila was born and was initiated from the agreement of the country’s leaders, both nationalist and religious leaders. Nevertheless there are still individuals who want to crush Pancasila. Whereas countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia alone are still looking for an ideal ideology for their country. Meanwhile Pancasila has given flexibility and relevance to the times.

An in-depth understanding of the value of Pancasila is certainly important in preventing efforts so that the people without exception do not violate government regulations in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Understanding the value of Pancasila is certainly the most basic thing to control society without the need for repressive enforcement.

At least the concept of patriotism needs to be deepened to the wider community so that the understanding of Pancasila is stronger in the midst of social life.

In addition, exclusion is a part contained in Pancasila to protect common interests. In any situation, planting the value of Pancasila and the love of the motherland will make it easier for the government to urge the people to stay united in what threatens the state.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, of course the application of the first precept in Pancsila could be applied by always praying and asking for help from God Almighty. This first precept can certainly be a strong foundation in humans today. When the corona virus attacks, then we still have a place to pray to the creator.

In the second principle, which is fair and civilized humanity, this can be implemented in the form of treatment of others. This principle emphasizes us to uphold human values.

In the third principle, namely the Indonesian Unity, we must be able to interpret and implement that the corona virus does not recognize ethnicity, race or religion. everyone can be affected by this deadly virus. So even though we are different and diverse. The sense of unity must still be realized, compact to wear masks when outside the home for example, this of course is able to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19.

In the Fourth precepts written populist led by wisdom wisdom in representative consultations. This principle emphasizes compliance with government policy. PSBB implementation is one of the protocols that must be obeyed.

In the Fifth precepts of social justice for all Indonesian people, it means that the Indonesian State must be fair in matters of social welfare for its people. Implementation in the last precepts certainly requires good synergy between the regional government and the central government.

One way to implement this fifth precept is to channel aid from the government in a transparent and honest manner. Because this assistance is very important for the survival of the community.

These five precepts in Pancasila certainly become a very fundamental foundation in every nation’s problems. The values ​​of Pancasila are certainly not only textual texts that need to be memorized, but breath that is manifested in the application of daily life.

)* The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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